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2019-03-15 11:34     作者 :    




  简单的细节题只是考察了段落中的某个信息,通过定位就可以做出题目。但是有些细节题却对同学们的提出更高的要求。做细节题时,因为往往是从句子着手,会形成一种‘只见树木,不见森林’的感受。接下来我们看的题目,需要把握段落的主题(key words)和中心句(topic sentence )。就像看一幅画,我们得先看一下整幅作品是暖色调还是冷色调,看一下作品的主题要表达什么,然后再细看某一处细节的勾勒。

  (一)核 心 词



  There is little doubt, however, that desertification in most areas results primarily from human activities rather than natural processes. The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased environmental pressures. Expanding populations are subjecting the land to increasing pressures to provide them with food and fuel. In wet periods, the land may be able to respond to these stresses. During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins, though, the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity, and desertification results. 翻译:然而,可以肯定的是,大部分地区沙漠化主要都是由于人类活动造成,而非自然条件导致。沙漠边缘的半干旱土地所处的 生态平衡环境非常脆弱,环境压力持续增加,而这些半干旱区域适应环境压力的能力极其有限。人口数量的增加使得人们不断 向土地施压,依其提供食物和燃料。在湿润的季节里,土地兴许能够应付这些压力。但是在干旱的季节里,在沙漠周边的土地上,存在着这样一个十分普遍的现象:人类对土地施加的压力远远超过了土地自身减压的能力,因此最终形成了沙漠。)

  According to paragraph 5, in dry periods, border areas have difficulty

  A adjusting to stresses created by settlement

  B retaining their fertility after desertification

  C providing water for irrigating crops

  D attracting populations in search of food and fuel

  解析:这道题目通过定位可以很快找到 During the dry …desertification results 这句话。然而,有些同学会在A选项和B选项中开始纠结。B选项中提到在沙漠化之后保持土壤的肥沃,这个看起来也很有道理啊。但是,请大家注意了,本文论述的key word是stress,何以见得呢?我们在段落里标红了四组表示压力的单词,the pressure, these stress, pressure, environmental pressure,这些词语表达出了段落的论述方向是压力,而非肥沃,所以此题选择A选项。

  (二)中 心 句


  有一类的细节题需要结合段落大意进行选择,这类题目的特点是:1.题干表述比较模糊 2.定位词不好确定 3.选项往往有细节和概括之分。

  Paragraph 4: As oil becomes increasingly difficult to find, the search for it is extended into more-hostile environments. The development of the oil field on the North Slope of Alaska and the construction of the Alaska pipeline are examples of the great expense and difficulty involved in new oil discoveries. Offshore drilling platforms extend the search for oil to the ocean’s continental shelves—those gently sloping submarine regions at the edges of the continents. More than one-quarter of the world’s oil and almost one-fifth of the world’s natural gas come from offshore, even though offshore drilling is six to seven times more expensive than drilling on land. A significant part of this oil and gas comes from under the North Sea between Great Britain and Norway. 翻译:随着石油越来越难以找到,石油勘探已经开始到更不利的环境中进行。比如,在The latest发现的油田案例中,阿拉斯加北坡油 田的开发和阿拉斯加管道建设就是成本高、难度大的例子。海底钻探平台将寻找石油的区域延伸到了海洋大陆架上——陆地附 近浅海下缓缓的斜坡。世界上 1/4 以上的石油和近 1/5 的天然气都来自近海,尽管近海钻井的成本比陆地钻井高 6 至 7 倍。世界 上相当一部分的石油和天然气来自英国和挪威之间的北海。)

  7.Which of the following strategies for oil exploration is described in paragraph 4?

  A  Drilling under the ocean’s surface

B Limiting drilling to accessible locations

  C Using highly sophisticated drilling equipment

  D Constructing technologically advanced drilling platforms

  解析:这道题目不好定位,如果用oil exploration来定位的话,在段落里找不到这个词组,而题干也问得很模糊,石油开采的技巧,这样一来,很多同学会觉得题目无从下手。这道题目可以从中心句入手,看看段落的中心意思是什么来决定这个题目回答的重心。中心句或者叫topic sentence就是文章The first句(如何读段落和寻找重心句,我们后面的专题会给大家详细的讲解)。As oil becomes increasingly difficult to find, the search for it is extended into more-hostile environments. 这句话的关键提及了石油的开采延伸到更加不利的环境中。此处不利的环境可以在段落中找到对应的词语,ocean’s continental shelves海洋的大陆架,offshore临海的,不利体现在价格上offshore drilling is six to seven times more expensive than drilling on land 成本高了6到7倍。因此,通过中心句找到了整个段落的脉络,在做题的时候就不会跑偏,理解到细枝末节上。这道题目选择A选项。我们也可以通过排除法来做这道题目。通过选项简化我们可以看到,B选项是限制位置,C选项使用设备,D选项是建设平台。这些都是细节类的选项,如果选择一个,没有道理不选另外一个。对比之下,只有A选项‘在海平面之下开采’是一个概括性的选项。




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