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首页 > 留学研学 > 留学 > 英国留学 > 2012年伦敦文化嘉年华之莎士比亚节


2012-05-03 18:18     作者 :    



  William Shakespeare(莎士比亚),英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。一生中给世人留下了三十七部戏剧,其中包括一些他与别人合写的一般剧作。此外,他还写有一百五十四首十四行诗和三、四首长诗。

  作为今年伦敦文化嘉年华的一部分的莎士比亚节已于4月开始了,世界各地的艺术家都会来英国上演他们自己版本的莎剧,那些我们所熟知的经典将会在此再次上演,如发生在巴格达的罗密欧与朱丽叶。我们进入伦敦西区的Cambridge Theatre后台,和舞台设计师Tom Piper聊他为Much Ado About Nothing带来的印度宝莱坞元素。

  Rolling back centuries of speculation and digging into the private life Stratford's famous son.The soil,untouched for 400 years,and it's hoped the key to understanding more about William Shakespeare's final days.By the time he moved to new place,Shakespeare was already a household name.But little is known about how he spent the six years he lived here and that's what this latest dig is aiming to change."I think we can learn little bits on what he was eating,what he was drinking,so his sort of lifestyle.We can learn a little about his hobbies in terms of what he was doing with his time,but the great mystery has to be where he actually lived.Did he live in the grand house along the front of the street or did he live in the very secluded cottage as documentary evidence suggests,hidden away from view to get on with his work?"Previous digs all found evidence of Shakespeare's high-status household,including smoking pipes and pottery.The first,almost 150 years ago,was recorded deeper than ever before,will reveal even more about William Shakespeare's habits and shed new light on what inspired some of the most famous words ever written.

  在莎翁故乡斯特拉特福,原先并没有剧场上演莎剧,后来在1879年盖了一座纪念剧场,但被烧毁,1932年Royal Shakespeare Company才重建。前几年它又进行了整修,三个剧场还原了莎翁时代的风格,观众环绕舞台而坐。来看剧的童鞋,不妨走一个Backstage Tour,登上塔看小镇全景,去楼顶的餐厅享用剧前餐。

  莎翁故居 我们爱这里的一大理由:不少扮演着莎翁时代的人物,向你娓娓道来他的日常起居轶事。木头门窗、墙壁装饰、甚至床,都保留着原来模样。有史以来的莎士比亚戏剧节也在这里揭幕,全民演莎剧的狂欢将遍布剧院、街巷,跨过奥运,持续至10月!



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