
2012-03-14 10:50     供稿单位: 互联网    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别

There arent many safeguards in rugby,especially when there is a game between two ruthless teams.This is always clear when the workers from the sanitation department play the workers from the runway  crew.No one in their sane mind would join this game,but each team loved to rumble and they always rustled up  enough players to keep the excitement in the game from sagging.
I had been in a rut  in my life recently and was looking for something different.So when the runway crew chief met me in a saloon,told me about the game and invited me to play I quickly returned home,took off my sandals and rummaged around until I found more appropriate shoes.
Arriving at the field to play I was told the rules of the sacred  game.After each team saluted the other we began.I have never played such a rough game before:the rustle of men running across the field,the sound of them digging a rut with their shoes to hold their ground,the ruptured muscles that reminded me I was out of shape.Everything felt like I had found my salvation from the boring life I was leading.
After salvaging  our pride from losing because of one play where a clever player sabotaged us,I walked with both teams to the edge of the field.Beautiful women who looked like they were fresh from the beauty salon greeted us with plates full of freshly cooked salmon and beer.The rut   I  was in was definitly over.

我最近生活中有点一成不变 ,我正想寻找一些不同的东西。因此当跑道队的队长在一家沙龙遇到我,跟我谈起比赛并邀请我加入的时候,我很快回到家里、脱掉凉鞋、四处翻找,直到找到更加合适的鞋。


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