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首页 > 英语 > 经典美文 > 整晚都在想念你


2012-02-25 12:23     作者 :    



When Ruth and her group of tourists mounted the top of the monument, she was very tired Moreover, she was in a very bad mood, so she motioned to them to have a look around by themselves She thought she might almost wish something terrible could happen, so she didnt have to take them to the Snow Mount in the afternoon She didnt really have any evil motive, and her morals were unquestionable; it was just that she wasnt able to sleep the night before Thats why she fell asleep due to the motion of the bus There had been a mosquito in her room that made noise constantly Consequently, she had stayed up during the night, trying to find it She sprayed every corner of the house, hoping to kill it The smell was strong enough to kill any living molecule It was only her moral strength that prevented her from burning the whole place down She wished that her boyfriend could be with her, but he was in another city and they only saw each other monthly So for much of the night she had tried reading every monthly she could find and now tried to motivate herself to stay awake by thinking of him



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