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2012-03-06 18:19     作者 :    


Winning Wolves胜利在望的狼

Wolves couldnt withstand prejudice any longer. For hundreds of thousands of years they had witnessed kids worldwide being told that they were wicked animals. They envied animals like lions and tigers, who were worshipped as symbols of power and strength. Even worms had a better life than they did, at least kids wouldnt get scared and withdraw from those worthless creatures. They wanted to do something worthy to prove to people that they were worthwhile loving. After a workshop with sheep, they offered their hair to people, but their hair was not like wool and workmen couldnt weave it. They were at their wits end, so they went to see the fox, who was thought to have more wisdom. The fox did have a quick wit and solved their problem. He told them that if they stopped eating rabbits, the rabbits would breed very quickly. When there were a lot of rabbits theyd start to damage crops in the fields.“At that time, you can help the farmers by eating up all those rabbits. Any witness to such usefulness would expect worship rather than condemnation.” the fox concluded.



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