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首页 > 英语 > 经典美文 > 带来笑声的比赛


2012-03-14 10:50     作者 :    


The rivalry between the two princes was rigorous. If it was not who could tell the best riddles,it was who could make the best rhymes.The royalty was never as happy as when the two boys competed with their jokes in the roundabout where they all gathered.Everyone would ripple with laughter as the boys ripped into each other with their robust  humor as they roamed the room like attacking lions.
Each ritual competition would begin with the boys each wearing an oversized robe, one of the color rouge and one of blue. That the ruffles of the robes were rotting from overuse never mattered.They were  only rinsed once from the previous day.
One day, however,the royaltys romance with the rivalry between the princes reached new heights.This happened when one of the princes brought in a rig of rotary devices to use against the jokes of his brother.When the other prince touched its rim his hair stood straight up from the electric current produced by the rubies  in the device.The royalty all fell to the ground laughing as the second prince screamed in surprise.
Their laughter stopped suddenly however when they realized that the screams were not of pleasure but of pain.When the device was finally turned off the prince was dead.He had been electrocuted.The first prince,in such grief that his joke had been deadly,turned the rig back on and grabbed the rim himself.He died as well.
That castle was soon abandoned and no one ever heard a laugh from it again.

两个王子之间的比赛很严格。 他俩不是比猜谜语,就是比押韵。王族成员只有在两个男孩坐在旋转木马上、他们围在周围看他们比赛说笑话的时候才是兴的。两个孩子一边像进步的狮子一样在屋子里漫游一边用强有力的幽默猛攻对方,大家的笑声在周围荡漾。


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