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2012-03-14 10:50     作者 :    



A gang of orphans  scoured  the city for scraps to live on.Their findings were scant but enough to savor and survive.It was a savage life and as their numbers grew,so did the scrutiny given to them by the people they encountered.Whereas they had been greeted often with sarcastic  comments in the early days,now they were mostly scoffed at,scorned by restaurant owners and greeted with scowls. The orphans had to scramble more than ever to keep from being caught.
When it became obvious that the city was saturated with orphans,city officials decided something needed to be done.Not wanting to create a satire,however, they decided that they would collect the orphans,scrub them clean,and give them new homes.Saucepans and scarves were collected as the first gifts to give to each orphan.
When the roundup began most of the orphans were near a sculpture in the city that they treated as their home base.They screeched and ran when they saw the large number of police coming for them.They were all caught.
The newspaper scoop  of the day was an image of one particularly scarred orphan being washed three times to get rid of the scent  of the city sewers.And because of the positive efforts of the city officials everyone became friendly towards the orphans and all were placed in homes with people who would love them as if they were their own children.



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