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If you are desperate

2013-06-04 15:15     作者 : 陈晓征    


  If you are desperate, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it. Just like Desperate Housewives.

  The words and lines that we learn from those four Desperate ladies, actually, are not so miserable as we thought. On the contrary, they are exactly what we need in our life as well as IETLS speaking test.

  The lines below can be used during the test, for example, talking about positive change or happy marriage.

  From the moment we wake up in the morning till our head hits the pillow at nigh

  t our lives are filled with questions .

  Most are easily answered and soon forfotten ,but some questions are much harder

  to ask because we're so afraid of the answer .Will I be around to watch my chi

  ldren grow up ?Am i m a k i n g mistake by marrying this man?Could he ever truly lov

  e me ?And what happens when we ask ourself the hard question and get the answer

  we'd been hoping for ?Well,that's when happiness begins.





  Family--there is nothing more important. They're the ones who show up whe

  n we're in trouble,the ones who push us to suceed,the ones who help keep our se

  crets .But what of those who have no family to rely on ?What happens to those p

  oor souls...who have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need?Well....m

  ost learn to walk life's road by themselves ,But a sad few of us...simply...sto

  p trying .




  Yes, it can happen so quickly. Life as we know it can change in the blink of an


  Unlikely friendships can blossom. Important careers can be tossed aside. A long

  -lost hope can be rekindled.Still, we should be grateful for whatever changes l

  ife throws at us, because all too soon the day will come when there are no chan

  ges left.




  We all carry something with us. Of course, it's nice if we travel with some

  one who can help lighten the load. But usually, it's easier to just drop wh

  at we've been carrying so we can get home that much sooner.

  Assuming, of course, there will be someone there to greet us when we arrive. Wh

  y do we clutch at this baggage, even when we're desperate to move on? Becau

  se we all know there's a chance we might let go too soon.

  我们都在负重前行。当然,能结伴而行会很幸福, 有人帮助分担重负。但通常抛掉负担会更




  Have you met the perfect couple? The two soul mates whose love never dies? The

  two lovers whose relationship is never threatened.The husband and wife who trus

  t each other completely. If you haven't met the perfect couple, let me intr

  oduce you.They stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their

  success? Well, for starters, they don't have to look at each other.




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