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首页 > 英语 > 影音英语 > 感恩母亲节:和母亲相关的电影推荐


2013-05-11 13:02     作者 :    


  母亲节(Mother's Day),作为一个感谢母亲的节日,最早出现在古希腊,时间是每年的一月八日,而在中国、美国、加拿大和一些其他国家,则是每年5月的第二个星期天。母亲们在这通常会收到礼物。名贵的珠宝,象征母爱的康乃馨,特制的爱心甜点,精致的手工贺卡等,成为人们向母亲敬献爱意的礼物。母亲节的当日,我们能做一些什么比礼物更让母亲高兴的事情呢,不如陪着她们一起来看一部特别应景的电影吧。


Erin Brockovich《永不妥协》

  An unemployed single mom (Julia Roberts) becomes a legal assistant and almost single-handedly brings down a California power company accused of polluting a city’s water supply.

  Runtime: 2 hrs. 10 mins.

  Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: Because Erin is a tough negotiator who has nothing to lose and everything to win for the future of her kids.

Mrs. Miniver《忠勇之家》

  Greer Garson is Mrs. Miniver, the matriarch of a middle-class English family experiencing life in the first months of World War II, dodging bombs and protecting their family the best they can.

  Runtime: 2 hrs. 14 mins.

  Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: Mrs. Miniver protects her kids like a momma lion, and she’s always calm, cool and collected, even when dealing with a wounded German soldier.

Stepmom 《继母》

  Susan Sarandon is Jackie Harrison, a terminally-ill mom who decides to make the best of things and teach the new woman (Julia Roberts) in her ex-husband’s life how to be a good stepmom to her kids.

  Runtime: 2 hrs. 5 mins.

  Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: It’s not so happy that the mom is dying in this movie, but Susan Sarandon’s Jackie Harrison still believes in celebrating her family’s time together, as she does one scene where she joyously dances with her kids to “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”

The Sound of Music《音乐之声》

  Gentle Maria (Julie Andrews) leaves – ok, gets kicked out of – her post at an Austrian convent to become the governess to seven mischievous kids of a strict Naval officer widower (Christopher Plummer).

  Runtime: 2 hrs. 54 mins.

  Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: A mom doesn’t have to be biologically related in order to be a great caregiver. Just watch the touching scene where Maria comforts the kids with her “favorite things” and you’ll agree.

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood 《丫丫姐妹们的神圣秘密》

  Siddalee, a well-known New York playwright, has been estranged from her mother (Vivi) for years. When she gives a quote to a Time magazine reporter discussing her childhood, her Southern-living mother finds out and their relationship becomes even more turbulent. Determined to bring mother and daughter together, Vivi’s childhood friends kidnap Siddalee and bring her home to explain her mother’s troubled past.

  Runtime: 1 hr. 56 mins.

  Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: This film explores the complexity of female relationships and the intense connection between mothers and daughters. Gather up all your best friends, your daughters, and your tissues for this one.




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