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首页 > 英语 > 影音英语 > 熊胆究竟有多少药用价值?


2012-02-25 00:00     作者 :    



Public outrage at the extraction of bear bile has been growing in recent years. But it hasn't stopped the industry from expanding even further. The reason lies in the importance of the substance in the eyes of the traditional medical industry.

This is bile. Extracted from a bear.

China’s healers have been using it for more than 13 centuries. It’s rare, so is considered of great importance.

Industry studies show that bear bile does have some virtues. It can act as a pain-killer, reduce inflammations, protect the liver and help dissolve gall-stone.

The China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine says it’s important to the development of the Chinese medical industry.

Fang Shuting with China Association of TCM said: "Traditional Chinese medicine owns intellectual property rights and is very competitive in the world’s medical industry. As one of the rarest elements of Chinese medicine, bear bile’s medical value is irreplaceable."
中国中药协会的Fang Shuting 称:“传统中药拥有知识产权,在世界医药行业非常有竞争力。作为中药最稀有的元素之一,熊胆汁的药用价值是无可取代的。”

Modern bear bile extraction methods were introduced to China in the 1980s. Currently there are 68 legal bear farms across the nation. They hold about 10-thousand bears. A good two-thirds of them have their bile extracted.

Professor Gao Xuemin from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine said: "153 kinds of Chinese medication contain bear bile."
北京中医药大学教授Gao Xuemin表示:“153种中药包含熊胆汁。”

In 2007, there were reports that a replacement for bear bile had been discovered. But five years on and medical authorities still haven’t endorsed it. Some say this is to blame for large scale bear farming.

Yet, traditional Chinese medical doctors deny this.

Gao said: "Urso is one of the more than 40 elements in bear bile. It can’t replace the whole bile. The rule of replacement is equality in function, and safe for human."


Some pharmacies have stopped selling bear bile products as a result of the dispute. But until a ban is placed on animal cruelty, the only way for people to oppose the industry is to boycott it.


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