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首页 > 英语 > 影音英语 > 《吸血鬼日记》第四季回归


2012-10-29 17:45     作者 :    


  “For over a century, I have lived in secret until now. I know the risk but I had no choice. I have to know her...”

  还在受秋天gloomy气息的影响吗?有些同学可能已经为各个美剧的强势回归开始欢欣雀跃了。10月11日,The Vampire Diary 吸血鬼日记第四季的回归可是带来了不少悬念哦!Transformation of body, choice of love, and decision of destiny are the courses they have to take. 在看新剧之前,先来重温下plot twist(剧情转折)Damon Salvatore的经典瞬间吧!

  Elena: I’m sorry for barging in. The door was...open.

  Demon: You must be Elena.

  Demon: I’m Damon, Stephan’s brother.

  Elena: He didn’t tell me he had a brother.

  Demon: Oh, Stephan’s not one to brag. Please come.I'm sure Stefan will be along any second.

  Elena: This is your living room?

  Demon: Living room, parlor, Sotheby’s auction.It's a little kitschy for my taste. I see why my brother's so smitten. It's about time, for a while there. I never thought he'd get over the last one, nearly destroyed him.

  Demon: The last one?

  Demon: Yeah. Katherine, his girlfriend.Oh, you two haven't had the awkward exes conversation yet.

  Demon: Nope.

  Demon: Oops. Well I'm sure it'll come up now, or maybe he didn't want to tell you, because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound.We all know how those relationships end.

  Demon: You say it like every relationship is doomed to end.

  Demon: I'm a fatalist.

  Damon与女主at the first sight的对话。首先擅入他人居所的女主Elena为自己的冒失行为道歉,Damon猜测出对方身份说了句“You must be ...”,这也是我们在久闻某人后在初次见面时会说的一句话,must在这里不做命令指示,而是表示肯定的推测。其他情态动词如can, could, may, might也可表示不同确定程度的推测,例如It may rain later, so why don’t we wait for a second.

  Damon除了介绍自己,也说明了自己与Stephan的关系。然而作为always curious and righteous的女主之后的言谈却不够礼貌:“He didn’t tell me he had a brother.”Damon给自己打了圆场:“Stephan’s not one to brag.”说弟弟不好吹嘘(brag),其实也抬高了自己。在邀请女主进屋之后说明弟弟will be along any second. 朋友们定好hang out后,也许总会有人unpunctual / late for the arrangement, 在提到某人马上就到时(吐槽君:这个马上有点儿远...)就可以用这句话啦。

  接下来的Damon可是在心上人面前大耍特耍tricks了。He meant to mention Stephan’s ex-girlfriend. 还说弟弟不太会get over her忘记她。当我们想要表达“忘记”的意思时,大家一般都用forget。事实上在英语口语对动作的表达中,多数时候会使用一个简单动词的动词结构,显得更加灵活和生活化一些。比如我们说某人把感冒传染给我了或者我被某某人传染了,口语中一般不会逐字对译成She infected me,而是用更简洁的结构She gave me his cold. 反过来,如果我们用中文思考并需要表达一个我们不会说的动词时,可以想想有没有更简单的动词结构来表达这个意思。其后Demon乘胜追击,秉承贬损自家弟弟不到底不罢休的阵势补上一枪,说弟弟对the last one仍然be on the rebound(沮丧失落,徘徊不前), 又是一例动词变名词结构的口语范例。

  其实本剧在Demon出场时就设定了一系列的表现,正如他自己所说,fatalist(宿命论者)。正是这样的一个曾经善良无比而又被拖入黑暗的人才会说出“I don’t mind being the bad guy. I’ll make all the life and death decisions. I’ll even let her hate me for it. But at the end of the day, I’ll be the one to keep her alive.”


       《吸血鬼日记》第四季更新至第三集啦!都看了吗?有没有很期待第四集的内容呢?先睹为快!《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)第四季第4集预告!



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