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首页 > 英语 > 影音英语 > 愚人节:盘点电影中那些经典“骗局”


2013-04-01 12:40     作者 :    



  1.史密斯夫妇Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)

  剧情:约翰(Brad Pitt 饰)和简(Angelina Jolie 饰)已经结婚了7年多,生活就像淡水般无味。婚姻就像坟墓,让他们过着死水一潭的生活。然而这仅仅是表象。背后他们各有刺激惊险的职业——约翰和简分属两个不同的秘密杀手机构,但彼此却不知道对方的职业身份。直到他们同时接到一个任务,刺杀目标竟是同一人。身份的真相才开始慢慢揭开。



  John Smith: ok, I'll go first. let me see... um... We don't really need to be here. See, we've been married for five years.

  Jane Smith: Six.

  John Smith: [chastened] Five, six years.

  Jane Smith: [referring to the pursuing cars] They're bulletproof!

  John Smith: [having not heard and shot at the cars] They're bulletproof!

  John Smith: Dance with me.

  Jane Smith: You don't dance.

  John Smith: It was just my cover, sweetheart.

  Jane Smith: Was sloth your cover, too?

  2. 十一罗汉 Ocean's Eleven


  丹尼奥逊(George Clooney饰)是刚从监狱假释出来的大盗,马上又操起了老本行,这次他的目标是为了盗取赌城富豪泰瑞(Andy Garcia 饰)的一亿五千万金钱。泰瑞来头不小,于是丹尼精挑细选了11个高手前来助阵——有扑克天才拉提斯(Brad Pitt 饰)、爆破导师、扒手大王、杂技演员。精密的盗窃计划开始了。



  Basher: Hang on a minute, hang on... we could use a pinch.

  Danny: What's a "pinch"?

  Basher: A pinch is a device which creates, like, a cardiac arrest for any broadband electrical circuitry. Better yet, a pinch is a bomb - now, but without the bomb. See, when a nuclear weapon detonates, it unleashes an electromagnetic pulse which shuts down any power source within its blast radius. Now that tends not to matter in most cases, because the nuclear weapon usually destroys anything you might need power for anyway. But see, a pinch creates a similar electromagnetic pulse, but without the fuss of mass destruction and death. So instead of Hiroshima, you'd be getting the seventeenth century.




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