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2012-06-01 17:15     作者 :    



If, however, you have not used a strong introduction and if you only have one main paragraph, then it is sensible to include a conclusion.
You don’t have to write too much. A sentence is enough. It can even be quite a short sentence. It can be a mistake to include too much detail in the conclusion as the examiner will cross it out if it is simply copied from the main body of your report. 
The danger is you put your own ideas into the conclusion as this is one of the things that you do in academic essays. This is a reporting/summarising task though, so it is a mistake to do this or to interpret the data.
The usual rule is that you should not put any new detail into a conclusion, but only summarise your main content paragraphs. This means in practice that you pick out the main details of the chart/graph you have been looking at. This will be typically the main trends or patterns in the chart/graph.
How to do it
Here’s the trick. When you write the conclusion, don’t look at the graph or what you have already written. If you do that, you may write too much or write something too complex. The conclusion should be simple.Try this. Look away. See what you remember about the graph. There should be 2 or 3 main points. These are the points you include in your conclusion 

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