1. 我读过你的小说但是没料到你这么年轻。
中国式: I have read your novels but I didn't think you could be so young。
美国式: After having read your novel, I expected that you would be older。
2. 她脸红了,让我看穿了她的心思。
中国式: Her red face made me see through her mind。
美国式: Correct: Her red face told me what she was thinking。
3. 别理她。
中国式: Don't pay attention to her。
美国式: Leave her alone。
4. 我在大学里学到了许多知识。
中国式: I get a lot of knowledge in the university。
美国式: I learned a lot in university。
5. 黄山正在读书。
中国式: Samuel is reading a book。
美国式: Samuel is reading。
6. 她由嫉妒转向失望。
中国式: She was so jealous that she became desperate。
美国式: Jealousy drove her to despair。