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【GRE写作】Argument 精选真题范文2

2023-01-31 17:28     作者 :    


  Question No.4

  The brief passage:

  The following appeared in a letter from a homeowner to a friend.

  "Of the two leading real estate firms in our town - Adams Realty and Fitch Realty -- AdamsRealty is clearly superior. Adams has 40 real estate agents; in contrast, Fitch has 25, many of whomwork only part-time. Moreover, Adams' revenue last year was twice as high as that of Fitch andincluded home sales that averaged $168,000, compared to Fitch's $144,000. Homes listed withAdams sell faster as wel: ten years ago, I listed my home with Fitch, and it took more than fourmonths to sell; last year, when l sold another home, I listed it with Adams, and it took only onemonth. Thus, if you want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use AdamsRealty."


  Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions+ 指令核心ofthe argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what theimplications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

  Your analytical essay should respond to the specific instruction.



  目的一: 说明brief passage里的结论是什么。

  。目的二: 应对指令的套话.

  According to the argument, Adams Realty is deemed superior to Fitch Realty, and thus isrecommended as a realty that sells homes quickly and at a good price. However, therecommendation may be unadoptable, because there are multiple questionable assumptions inthe line of reasoning leading to it. 红色部分为套话




  It is assumed that the 40-member staff, for its greater number of realtors, certainlyoutperforms the 25-member staff This is a dubious assumption, because the number of membersof a staff is only one of the multiple variations contributing to the staff’ s performance. A numberof other factors, such as a realtor’ s experience and level of expertise, also play decisive roles. Atthis point, it is unsafe to assume that full-time employees have work performance than part-timeemployees. In fact, working on a full-time basis or a part-time basis may be subject to the personaarrangement of time rather than the level of productivity or expertise. In other words, part-timestaff may work better than their full-time counterparts. 如果两个点的逻辑关系紧密或者这两个点出现在同一句里,就有可能合并在一个段落里讨论

  Another questionable assumption is that the higher average price means a better ability ofselling homes. As a matter of fact, the average price can be decided by a number of factors, suchas different styles, sizes and locations of homes. For example, if Adams Realty sold homes thathave larger sizes than do homes listed with Fitch, it was the sizes that contributed to the higheraverage price. At this point, it is also likely that Adams sold homes that were worth more than theprices at which they were sold and the opposite was the case with Fitch. lf this was case, AdamsRealty is inferior to Fitch Realty, despite the higher average price. ln addition, the higher averageprice may be driven by a few expensive homes or the lower average price may be caused by a fewpoor deals, and if those homes are excluded in the calculation, Adams’ average may be actuallvlower than that of Fitch. 这是一个大点,里面里讨论了三种情况

  覆盖不同逻辑类型的点: In addition, the author should not assume that last year' s situationrepresents the usual situation. ln fact, it is likely that Adams outperformed Fitch in selling homes inlast year alone. ln other words, the likely case is that Fitch had been selling homes at better pricesthan had Adams until last year, and its better sale of homes may be restored in the future. - 门问留

  覆盖不同逻辑类型的点: Moreover, the author assumes the faster sale oflast year' s homeindicates better ability to sell homes. This is a questionable assumption, because the author omitsa number of factors that also decide how fast a home could be sold, including the size, location,and the condition of the real estate market. With those other contributors considered, it is likelythat the sale of the home ten years ago that took four months was however fast whereas the saleof last year' s home that took one month was actually slow. 它因问题

  覆盖不同逻辑类型的点: Lastly, the author assumes that the town' s two leading real estatefirms are the only options a home seller has. In fact, some of the homes for sale may have featuresor conditions that Adams or Fitch is unable to deal with properly, and those homes may be soldfaster or at better prices by realties other than Adams and Fitch, because those other firms mayhave specialty in selling those homes. 范畴问题



  目的一: 应对指令的套话

  目的二: 依据套话讨论brief passage里的结论

  Because the assumptions made by the author are indefensible, the recommendation of usingAdams Realty may be unadoptable. As a result, the desired fast sale of home at a qood price manot be achieved.

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