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首页 > 新航道头条 > 2012年9月-2013年2月雅思口语考情回顾与分析


2013-04-17 00:00     作者 : 张皞    


  2012年的9月到2013年2月期间一共进行了24场(除加试以外)雅思考试。就整体考试发展趋势来看,没有发生任何变化,依旧在去年的九月初和今年一月的次考试中“毫无意外”的进行了话题的更新,但更新的新题与过往相比,比例小有上升,占总话题的30%-40%。而和第二部分话题的总量基本保持不变,部分有27-30个话题,第二部分的话题在45个左右。本文将从PART ONE, PART TWO, PART THREE三个部分,对去年9月到今年2月的雅思口语话题进行详细的回顾与分析。


  部分的出题模式没有发生任何改变,考官还是就三个主要话题对考生进行提问,每个话题下都会有4到5个小问题,部分考试整体用时大约5分钟。而其中的个话题大多(9成以上的考生)都是围绕Hometown, Accommodation和Study/Work展开。第二和第三个话题数量都稳定在26到30个左右。其中2012年9月到12月的话题有,Driving and Cars, Entertainment, Sports, Clothes and Fashion, Birthday, Art, Dance, Relative, Weather, Flowers, Names, Color, Toys, Weekends, Drawing and Painting, Food, Postcards, Mobile Phones, Bags, Museums and Art Galleries, Internet and Computers, Primary School, Weddings, Relax, Friends, Photography, Concert, Language. 在2013年的次雅思考试中,部分的话题出现了一些变化,有些老话题被新话题更换,具体题目有Boat, Parks and Gardens, Entertainment, Bags, Weather, Transport, Music, Housework, Art, Relax, Writing, Sleeping, Mobile Phones, Internet and Computer, Museums and Art Galleries, Weekends, The News, Postcards, Dance, Concentration, Photography, Name, Buildings, Healthy Life, Keeping Fit, Cities and Countryside. (红色标注的是高频话题)

  从这些话题整理上很容易看出雅思口语部分话题的变化。按照以往的考试规律来看,一月考试中消失的那些去年的话题短期内不会再出现,而新出现的话题(Sleeping, Boat, Concentration, The News等)还会持续一段时间, 是考生们应当复习的重点。需要提醒考生的是,虽然大多数部分的话题都相对简单,是考试的一个Warm up, 但是考生也应该格外的重视。因为这个部分是考官对考生英语口语能力的印象,如果考生在部分都不可以做到很好的扩展话题,讲话结结巴巴,语法使用漏洞百出,很难取得总分6分以上的分数。在部分中,考官问的问题相对比较集中,每个话题下的小问题重复率很高,面对不同的考生时,考官的问题几乎没有太大的变化。以Weekends为例,大多数考生都回忆被问到如下三个问题:1)How do you usually spend your weekends? 2) Do you think people should do some extra work during weekends? 3) Do you think people should be overpaid for working during weekends? 而关于News的话题主要集中在1) Do you like reading the news? 2) Are you more interested in domestic news or international news? 3) Do you get your news from newspaper or the Internet? 4) Do you want to be a journalist? 四题上。 所以建议考生熟悉所有部分的话题,以及每个话题下的小问题,并对相对较难的话题做好提前准备并加以反复练习,这样就可以做到对考官的提问对答如流了。


  第二部分的话题是在每年1月,5月,9月话题更新中变化比率比较大的部分,一般会在这三个换题周期的前几场考试中,出现大量的新题,数量大约有20个,而话题的整体数保持不变,稳定在45个左右。跟前几个换题周期相比,第二部分的话题基本上是老瓶装新酒,换汤不换药。在很多原有老话题的基础上加上一些限定词,把话题更加的具体化。例如,在2012年上半年考的一个话题Describe an old person, 在9月份的考试中就在old后加上了interesting一词,变成了描述一个有趣的老人,Describe a future plan变成了Describe a plan you have for the future (but not related to your study or work); Describe a TV program改变成后来的Describe a documentary TV program, 这样的例子还有很多,例如原来的Describe your favorite movie变成了今年一月考试以来,热门话题中的两个,分别是Describe a movie about a real person or a true event, 和Describe a movie/book about the future. 原来的describe an useful equipment 也在话题后加上了not computer这样的限定词. 比较的两个换题周期,可以发现,有些去年9月至12月考试中比较老的话题在今年年初的换题中已经完全消失,例如Describe a situation you should polite, Describe your favorite communication way (text message, phone call, email or letter), Describe a historical event, Describe a place of natural beauty you visited before, Describe a street in your hometown/village/city等。出现的新题有Describe a polite person, Describe a cafe, Describe a special meal, Describe a plant (vegetables, fruits or flowers) in your country, Describe an occasion when you were late before,Describe a crowded place,Describe good parents等,1月开始的考试中还有很多题目来自于去年下半年的“老题”,例如Describe a vehicle you want to buy, Describe something you bought you were dissatisfied with, Describe an unusual job, Describe a person who has an important job, Describe a song that means a lot to you等等。值得考生注意的是,按照以往考试规律来看,今年年初新出现的雅思第二部分话题将会延续一段时间,并出现在下一个考试周期里(2013年5月到9月),考生应当重点准备。(2013年1月至4月全国雅思第二部分话题整理和预测请见附录)

  回答第二部分问题时,可以迅速给自己来个头脑风暴(brain storm),想想看是否有曾经准备好的内容可以自然(naturally),准确(accurately),合理的(appropriately)套用在考官所给的话题上。例如在准备部分housework这个话题时有个问题是What is your least favorite housework? 有很多考生回答washing dishes, 原因有很多。,可能觉得很恶心(gross),因为有很多的剩菜(leftover)在盘子上,盘子还很油(very oily and greasy);第二,可能自己是个很粗心的人(very careless kind of person),经常打碎碟子(break dishes all the time, leave themselves another big mess to deal with)甚至还会划伤手(hurt themselves with some broken pieces);第三,因为洗碗时需要把手浸泡在洗涤剂中(soak their hands into detergent)可能会伤手(hurt their hands a lot, make their hands rough, it may age their hands if washing dishes all the time especially when no gloves are available).当考生第二部分被问到Describe an useful equipment (not computer)这个话题的时候就可以选择说dishwasher,不但可以用以上提及的三个不喜欢洗碗的原因去阐述为什么洗碗机很有用,而且也可以使得话题变得比较有新意(大多数中国考生在被问到这题时都会选择说手机)。当然对于Describe a gift you sent to someone recently这个题目而言,dishwasher也是个很不错的选择。

  在准备第二部分的话题中建议考生按照题目类别进行合理的话题拓展训练,例如准备人物话题的时候,要着重描述人物的personalities和characters, 并通过具体事例和故事加以说明,以Describe good parents为例,可以从role model (never drink, smoke or use some inappropriate language in front of me), very supportive parents (no matter what I decide to do in my life, they always stand by my side) respectful(apologize when they are wrong, treat me in a equal way) and very attentive, be a good listener all the time四个方面进行描述。在准备地点类的话题时,需要从where, when(how often),who, what and why五个方面进行话题的拓展,而事件类的题目主要集中在描述事件的内容和感受上。(新航道的课堂上有很多关于如何合理拓展话题的训练)。


  雅思口语考试的第三部分是考生口语能力的真实展示。问题一般是第二部分话题的一个延伸,问题的长度和难度明显提升,内容也更加的抽象(more abstract)和学术(more academic),很多问题只要稍作修改就可以改编成一篇写作TASK2的试题,有时候考生甚至连用中文都不知道怎么回答。第三部分的话题五花八门,但是从去年9月到今年2月的考试题目来看,仍旧集中在六大题型上,它们分别是:Describe (例如What are some of the ways people can help others in the community?),Compare and Contrast (例如Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way?), Discuss advantages and disadvantages (例如What are advantages and disadvantages of living in a high-rise apartment?), Explain (例如Why is independence so important to many teenagers?) Express and Justify opinions (例如, Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in the past. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?), Speculate about possible future developments (例如How do you think most people will get the news in the future? ).

  准备第三部分的问题时,考生应该注意不同题型的答题技巧和注意答题的一些细节。例如对待询问意见和看法的问题时,可以从state your opinion directly, explain, provide supporting ideas and stories和 compare with alternative四个方面去拓展问题。而在回答关于未来可能性的问题时,注意将来时态使用的同时,也应当合理的运用“could”, “may”, “would”, “might”等表示推测的情态动词。



  2013年1月至4月全国雅思口语考试第二部分话题整理和预测 (红色标注话题为高频话题)


  Describe a person who has an important job

  Describe a best friend of yours

  Describe a polite person

  Describe someone you know who made a wrong decision

  Describe one of your neighbors

  Describe a good parent

  Describe a teenager

  Describe a person you would like to talk with


  Describe a cafe you visited before

  Describe a library that you visited

  Describe a garden you have visited

  Describe a city you have visited as a tourist

  Describe a large and crowded place

  Describe your favorite room in your home

  Describe a beautiful house or an apartment you have visited before


  Describe something you bought you were dissatisfied with

  Describe something you want to buy after you saw an advertisement

  Describe a gift you sent to someone recently

  Describe a toy you had when you were a little child

  Describe a piece of useful equipment (not computer)

  Describe a plant (vegetables, fruits or flowers) in your country

  Describe a vehicle you want to buy

  Describe a piece of clothing


  Describe an occasion when you were late before

  Describe a traditional event

  Describe an interesting talk or speech you heard recently

  Describe a show or performance that you saw before

  Describe a sporting event that you watched or participated

  Describe a team project you took part in

  Describe a plan you have for the future (but not related to your study or work)

  Describe a leisure activity on or near the sea

  Describe a perfect holiday/vacation you would like to have

  Describe a game (not sports game) in your childhood


  Describe a mathematic course that you had in primary school

  Describe a documentary TV program that you watched

  Describe a language (not English) that you would like to learn

  Describe an unusual job you think you can do

  Describe a website you like to visit

  Describe a song that means a lot to you

  Describe an important message you received before

  Describe a book or a movie you watched before about the future

  Describe a movie/film about real person or event that you have watched

  Describe an useful skill you learned from a family member

  Describe a recently change of yours

  Describe a special meal

  作者简介:张皞 雅思口语主讲,昆士兰大学管理学学士,金融硕士。南京新航道团体培训部教学总监,丰富的海外生活阅历,文化底蕴深厚,学术视野宽阔,对雅思等国内外英语考试有长期的研究。深入浅出的教学方法深受学生欢迎。

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