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首页 > 新航道头条 > 讲师李建林点评12月17日新GRE作文


2011-11-20 00:00     作者 :    




The following is a recommendation from the Board of Directors of Monarch Books.

"We recommend that Monarch Books open a café in its store. Monarch, having been in business at the same location for more than twenty years, has a large customer base because it is known for its wide selection of books on all subjects. Clearly, opening the café would attract more customers. Space could be made for the café by discontinuing the children's book section, which will probably become less popular given that the most recent national census indicated a significant decline in the percentage of the population under age ten. Opening a café will allow Monarch to attract more customers and better compete with Regal Books, which recently opened its own café."

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.







Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of a food distribution company with food storage warehouses in several cities.

"Recently, we signed a contract with the Fly-Away Pest Control Company to provide pest control services at our warehouse in Palm City, but last month we discovered that over $20,000 worth of food there had been destroyed by pest damage. Meanwhile, the Buzzoff Pest Control Company, which we have used for many years in Palm City, continued to service our warehouse in Wintervale, and last month only $10,000 worth of the food stored there had been destroyed by pest damage. Even though the price charged by Fly-Away is considerably lower, our best means of saving money is to return to Buzzoff for all our pest control services."

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.







    也就是说,如果单单用寻找逻辑漏洞的办法来求解Argument的话,我们很可能会发现部分Argument题目根本没有所谓的“逻辑漏洞”,但对其中的论证方法却可以轻易找出其论证缺陷。关于这个问题,请读者参看以下链接:(59/n-6459.html )




    Clearly identifies aspects of the argument relevant to the assigned task and examines them insightfully
    Develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically and connects them with clear transitions
    Provides compelling and thorough support for its main points
    Conveys ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety
    Demonstrates facility with the conventions of standard written English (i.e., grammar, usage and mechanics), but may have minor errors

    这五大条件中,后两条是关于语言表达的;比较而言,前三条更为重要。条要求考生“结合写作指引的要求,对题目中的论证过程进行清晰而独到(clear & insightful)的梳理(identification & examination)”,也就是要找出其论证缺陷;第二条要求考生对发现的论证缺陷进行“富有逻辑的展开(developing cogently and logically)”。

    那第三条说的是什么呢?中文表述是这样的:“为行文的要点提供充分而令人信服的支持(compelling and thorough support)”。而“充分而令人信服的支持”恰恰就是论证的过程。



,    讲明推理/论证的缺陷和谬误。也就是说,作者要明确指出为什么某个地方可以被认为是推理/论证错误和漏洞?它错在哪里?
第二,    给出另外一种或多种解释。例如,题目中说事件A是事件B的原因。如果作者认为A不是B的原因,他就应该指出真正的原因可能是什么,并论证这个真正原因成立的可能性。
第三,    举出例证。同样,假如题目说事件A是事件B的原因。如果作者认为A不是B的原因,他只需举出若干例证就行了,实际发生的例证或者假设的例证皆可。
第四,    应当对题目中的推理/论证缺陷和谬误进行怎样的修正?即,怎样做才能避免或者消除题目中的推理/论证缺陷和谬误。

( http://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/prepare/analytical_writing/argument/sample_responses )


    比如其正文段的如下内容:“Citing surveys of city residents, the author reports city resident's love of water sports. It is not clear, however, the scope and validity of that survey. For example, the survey could have asked residents if they prefer using the river for water sports or would like to see a hydroelectric dam built, which may have swayed residents toward river sports. The sample may not have been representative of city residents, asking only those residents who live upon the river. The survey may have been 10 pages long, with 2 questions dedicated to river sports. We just do not know.  Unless the survey is fully representative, valid, and reliable, it can not be used to effectively back the author's argument.”

    在本段中,作者针对题目中论者使用的统计数据论证法,直接指出其错在哪里,即,对其调查数据的真实性、客观性和可靠性提出了质疑:“It is not clear, however, (whether) the scope and validity of that survey (is reliable).”这是论者推理/论证过程中的个重大缺陷和谬误。

其一,“The survey could have asked residents if they prefer using the river for water sports or would like to see a hydroelectric dam built, which may have swayed residents toward river sports.”
其二,“The sample may not have been representative of city residents, asking only those residents who live upon the river.”
其三,“The survey may have been 10 pages long, with 2 questions dedicated to river sports.”


    随后,论者又指出了论者应当如何对他的统计数据论证法中的谬误和缺陷进行修正:“Unless the survey is fully representative, valid, and reliable, it can not be used to effectively back the author's argument.”


    对这个问题,在之前的一篇点评文章中实际上我已经从不同的角度谈过,链接如下:(31/n-6531.html) 。看过这篇文章后,大家对该如何理解Argument的写作指引,并如何展开“论证”会更清楚。


作者简介:北京新航道学校GRE写作、托福写作、托福词汇主讲。中国人民大学国际关系学院硕士,记者;在境内外主要英文媒体从事新闻报道逾15年,曾供职过的报纸和通讯社包括China Daily (中国日报),Global Times (环球时报),AFX-Asia (亚太金融新闻社),South China Morning Post (南华早报);英文写作功力深厚扎实,对GRE、托福、雅思、SAT、ACT等留学考试类写作有精深研究和独到体悟,有专著《GRE写作5.5》,独创 GRE作文“1+5”写作模型。


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