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Beyonce悼念Whitney Houston

2012-02-13 13:19     作者 :    


Beyonce has released an official statement on Whitney Houston's death.
"The loss of Whitney Houston is painful. I remember meeting Whitney for the first time when I was 15. She was the ultimate legend. The ultimate woman. Not only was she confident, poised, stunningly beautiful and intelligent, but she was sincere and kind. She took the time to make everyone feel like they were very important to her. I, like every singer, always wanted to be just like her. Her voice was perfect. Strong but soothing. Soulful and classic. Her vibrato, her cadence, her control. So many of my life's memories are attached to a Whitney Houston song. She is our queen and she opened doors and provided a blueprint for all of us.

God bless her."

Beyonce关于Whitney Houston的离世发表的一段悼词:

“失去Whitney Houston是沉痛的。我还记得次与她相见是在我15岁的时候,她创造了绝无仅有的传奇。这位传奇女子,不仅自信、沉着,散发着迷人、美丽、智慧的气息,而且坦率真诚、与人为善。她让每个人都感觉到自己对于此人的重要意义。我像是每个歌手一样,希望能够像她一样。她的声音完美绝伦,强劲却能慰藉人心,饱含感情堪称经典。她的颤音、她的韵律、她高超的音色控制无一不让人着迷。我生命中很多重要回忆都伴随着Whitne Houston的歌曲。她是我们的女王,她为我们打开启蒙之门,给我们呈现一片激发人心的蓝图。上帝与你同在”




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