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首页 > 新航道头条 > 【考雅必备】3月份雅思口语考试预测


2012-02-24 00:00     作者 :    


Part one

Are you living in an apartment or a flat?
What is your favorite room?
How would you like to change your room?
What’s your favorite room?
Who do you live with now?
How is your accommodation like?

Childhood game
What kinds of childhood game did you like to play?
Do you still play them now?
What are the benefits of playing games for children?

Do you use computers?
How often do you use computers?
What kind of activities will you use with computers?
How important is a computer to you?
What kind of computer skills can you have?

Did you collect anything when you were a child?
Do you still collect them now?
If you have money, what do you want to collect?

Do you like dancing?
Where could people learn how to dance?
Why do some people like dancing?
What is the most popular dance in your country?

Have you made any handicraft?
Is making handicraft good for children?

When do Chinese normally have holidays?
What will you do during holidays?
Is holiday important?

Where are you from?
Is it a big city or a small town?
What is the best thing of living in your hometown?
Is it suitable for young people to live?

Indoor activity
What kinds of indoor activities do you like to do?
Do you prefer doing indoor or outdoor activities?
Why doesn’t someone like doing outdoor activities?

Is there any kind of noise near where you live?
How do you think of these noises?
Have you ever done something to tackle with these noises?
Study or work?
What's your major/job?
Why did you choose your major?
How do you like your major/job?
Is your major/work popular in China these days?

What is your favorite weather?
How’s the weather like in your hometown?
Is there any bad weather you experienced before?
What is the typical weather like in your city?
What kind of weather do you dislike?

Weekend/Exercise/outdoor activity
What will you normally do during weekends?
What is the most popular outdoor activity in your city?
Where will people normally do some exercises?

Part two

1.教你skill的人A person who taught you something useful
Who the person is?
When did that happen?
What did he/she teach you?
Why do you want to talk about this person?

2. 有健康生活方式的人/老人/邻居Describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle
Who the person is

How did you know this person?    
What does he do in the common life?
Why do you want to talk about this person?

生活中想做的积极的改变Describe a positive change you want to make in your life
Part 3: What kinds of food are healthy ones?
Is food sold in your country safe?

想和其说话的老人Describe an old person you enjoy to talk with
Who the person is

How did you know this person?
What do you often say to each other?
Why do you want to talk about this person?
顺便准备 describe one of your family members

3. 一个领导人/一个新闻人物Describe a (political or business) leader
Who the person is
What does the person do?
How do you know this person?
Why are you interested in this person?
Part 3: What kind of person can be a politician?
What sorts of responsibilities should a political leader take?
Should a leader be a role model?
Do you want to be a leader and why?
Why doesn’t someone want to be a leader?

Describe a person in the news that you want to meet
Who the person is?
What kind of person he/she is?
What will you say to him/her if you have a chance to meet them?
Why do you want to meet this person?
Part 3: Do you like watching news and why?
How has news changed in the past years?
Do you like written news or news on TV and why?

4. 好学生Describe a good student
Who the person is
How good is he/she?
What can you learn from him/her?
How did you feel when you learn from him/her?
新题:影响你的人A person who influenced you

1.有钱后想买的东西Describe something expensive that you want to buy if you have money
What is it?
What functions it has?
How much would it cost you?
Why do you want to buy this one?
Part 3:If parents buy too many toys for children, what sorts of results it will be?
Will some people throw away some stuff that they rarely did in the past?
What are they?
How could this act effect the environment?
Is it convenient to get them repaired in your country?

2.从外国买的东西A product you want to buy from a foreign country
What is that?
Where can you buy it?
How much will it cost?
Why do you need to buy it from another country?

Part three
Do you prefer buying domestic goods or imported goods?
Is it popular to buy imported goods in your country?

想去的一个国家或者以后想去旅行的地方Another country you want to visit或者 a place in a foreign country you want to visit
小时候旅行过的地方And some traveling you made when you were little
Part3 What are the differences of traveling between city and country?
Why do people like traveling?
What are the popular traveling destinations in your country?

3.家里面的老物件Something old you kept in your family
What is that?
How old is this thing?
What does it look like?
Why do you want to talk about this one?

4.丢的一样东西Something you lost
What is that?
When did you lose it?
How did you feel at that moment?
Why do you want to talk about this one?
Part three
What usually do people lose?
Is crime rate increasing?

5.想买的一样家具A piece of furniture you want to buy
What is that?
What does it look like?
How can you use it?
Why do you want to buy it?

6.中国的动物Describe an animal in your country
What is that?
Where do they normally live?
What do they look like?
And explain further why you like them.
Part three
Why do some people like raising pets?
Is it important to protect animals?
How could governments protect animals?

7.收到的一封信Describe a letter you received
Who wrote it to you?
What did the letter talk about?
How did you feel at that moment?
Why do you want to talk about this letter?
Part3 do you prefer writing an email or a letter?

中意类 What is your favorite…(考试必准备类)
1.    广告What is your favorite advertisement?
When did you see this advertisement?
Where did you see it
What information could you get from this advertisement?
Why do you want to talk about this one?
Part 3: what kinds of advertisement are there?
Which one do you prefer?
How could advertisement affect children?
Should government be responsible for the advertisement?

2.    餐厅What is your favorite restaurant?
Where is it?
How often do you go there?
What kinds of food can you have there?
Why do you like this restaurant?
Part three
Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurant?
Is it necessary to teach kids how to cook?
How to teach them?

顺便准备特别的一餐 your favorite/special meal you want to enjoy with other people
What meal is that?
Where do you want to have this meal?
Who do you want to enjoy with?
Why do you want to talk about this one?

3.    电视节目Describe a TV program
What is the name of it?
How often do you watch it?
What does the program talk about?
Why do you like it in particular?

4.    最近看的电影A movie you watched recently/What is your favorite book?/a book you’er read before
What is the name of that?
When was the first time you saw it?
What does the movie talk about?
Why do you want to talk about this movie?
Part3 What is the popular type of movie in your country
How could you learn English through watching movie

5.    喜欢的一首歌What is your favorite song?/what is your favorite music
What is the name of it?
Who sang it?
Where did you hear it for the first time?
How did you feel when you heard it?
Part three
What kinds of music are favored by children these days?
Do you focus more on lyrics or music?

6.    商店What is your favorite shop?/interesting shop
Where is it?
What kinds of things can you buy there?
What kinds of people will go there?
Why do you think it is your favorite shop?
Part 3: How have ways of shopping changed in the past
What are the differences between man and woman in shopping habits?

7.    一个网站/你想做的小生意(网店)
A website
A small business you want to do

8.    户外运动What is your favorite outdoor activity
What is that?
Where can you play it?
How can you play it?
Why do you want to talk about this one?

9.    想玩但是没玩过的运动Some sports you like to do but never played
What is that?
Who do you want to play with?
Where can you do it?
Why do you want to play this sport?
Part3 do you prefer watching sports on TV or live show?
What is the most popular sport in your country?
Do you have any favorite sport star?

10.    理想工作What is your favorite(ideal) job?
What is that?
What does the job do?
How could you find this job?
Why do you think this job is ideal?

小时候向做的工作A job you would like to do when you were young/little
What is that?
When was that?
What does the job talk about?
Why did you want to do this job?

11.    你喜欢的一门课Describe your favorite subject
What is that?
What does it talk about?
When did you learn that?
Why do you want to talk about this subject?
Part3 what kind of subjects are useful?
Is equipment necessary for teaching?

1.    花园、公园

Describe a beautiful garden/Describe a park/Describe a leisure center/garden/an open air place you can relax yourself
Where is it?
What can you see from this place?
What do people normally do at this place?
Why do you like this place?
Part3 where can you relax yourself more easily, in a city or small town?
Do you prefer relaxing at home or at outside?
What is your favorite way of relaxation?
扩展话题户外运动Describe an outdoor activities

2.    理想居所Describe a house you want to live in
Where is it?
What does it look like?
What kinds of rooms are there?
Why do you want to live in it?

3.    游泳的地方A place where you can go swimming
Where is it?
How often do you go swimming there?
What kinds of facilities are there?
Why do you like going swimming there?

4.    出名的老建筑An old famous building
Where is it?
When was it built?
What is the function of this building ?
Why do you want to talk about it?
Part3  Should we keep those old buildings?
How could students acquire history knowledge?

1.婚礼/家庭事件/一张照片Describe a wedding ceremony /Describe a family event
When was that?
Who are the new couple?
What did people do on this wedding?
Why do you want to talk about this?
Part3 how has the wedding changed these days in China

2.别人为你庆祝的事情Something other people celebrated for you
What occasion was that?
Who celebrated for you?
What did you do on that celebration?
Why do you want to talk about this?

3.收钱作为礼物的一个场合A time you were given money as a present
When was that?
Who gave it to you?
What was the reason for that?
Why do you want to talk about this occasion?
Part3 How’s children’s opinion on money different from adults’?
What are the differences of purpose of using money between child and adult?
Is it necessary to be rich to have happiness?

1.你经历过的坏天气Describe a bad weather you have ever experienced
When was that?
What happened at that time?
How did you response to this situation?
Why did this experience leave you an impression?

2.生气的场合Describe a situation when you got a little angry
When was that?
What happened then?
How did you feel that?
And why do you want to talk about this one?

3.外国文化Describe a culture of another country/ A foreign culture you learned that is interesting
Which country it is?
What does the culture talk about?
Where do you learn about this culture?
Why do you find it is interesting?

4.    家乡的变化Some changed happened about your hometown
What happened in your hometown?
From when has it started changing?
How did you feel about the changes?
Why do you want to talk about it?

简介:于磊:北京新航道学校雅思口语、雅思听力主讲。英语培训业界罕有的“三硕士”学位高端培训师。先取得澳大利亚中央昆士兰大学管理学硕士学位,后 转战澳大利亚悉尼大学,获得会计学硕士学位,因为好读书,又求甚解,最终落脚于澳大利亚悉尼科技大学,再获金融学硕士学位。其人沉浸澳洲多年,遍览澳洲文 化,攫取澳洲教育精髓,英语纯正地道,具有丰富的雅思口语、听力教学经验,更兼强悍的澳洲留学指导与规划能力,被学员称为“澳洲留学一卡通”。



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