Part 1趋势一:问题数量变多以前可能5-7问题就结束,现在一般10个问题左右,甚至更多
趋势二:话题范围跟第二第三部分有重合(难度加大)比如9月考的travelling by air
还有最近一直喜欢考的food & cooking, animals, mobile phone 等
Part 2趋势一:话题关键词抽象变具体Examples:
A TV program you regularly watch --------- A quiz show you’d like to join in (9月份)
A shopping experience-------------something you bought but seldom used, a piece of clothes you bought
A famous person you like-------------a celebrity not from your country, an artist you like, A TV or radio presenter
A piece of news you read from TV or magazine ------------- a news story which made you happy
a restaurant --------------------- a place you sometimes go to lunch (9月)
a skill-----------------the most useful practical skill (eg. cooking, driving) you've learned, something you learned from computer
a celebrity not from your country------------describe a person who speaks a foreign language(8-9月)
a person who is good at cooking------------- the person who first taught you cooking
a friend you admire --------------- a friend you’ve known for a long time, a friend you got to know recently, something admiring your friend did
your ideal job ------------- a job you think you’ll be good at, a job you’d like to try
an exciting message -------------- a news story which made you happy
A place near water ------------------ a place with a lot of noise(9月)
A museum/ a historical site ---------- a place where you have learnt a lot
An unhealthy life habit/ healthy life style---------------a healthy thing you’d like to recommend to your friends
A dangerous/ exciting sport------------- a sport you think you would be good at
An education trip/ a long-distance trip--------------- a trip with your friends
喜欢加关键词“didn’t like/ dislike”
A TV program you like--------- A TV program you didn’t like to watch (3月份开始),
A film you like--------- a film you didn’t like
喜欢加关键词“in your childhood/ as a child”
A book you enjoy-----------a book you enjoyed as a child
A hobby you liked as a child
A school you went to as a child
A happy memory (event) from your childhood
Something naughty you did as a child (8-9月)
Part 3趋势一:考官的自主参与更多体现在:
1.在观点跟你不同时会与你argue and discuss