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2013-09-29 12:52     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别

11. Waking up, realizing it’s the weekend, and curling up for another thirty minutes of sleep.

11. 早上醒来,发现今天是周末,可以继续倒头大睡半小时。

12. The bittersweet feeling of finishing a really good book.

12. 把某本书读完的那种苦甜参半的感觉。

13. Finally getting to sleep in your own bed after being away for a few weeks.

13. 暂别自己的暖床好几天之后,终于又可以躺在上面睡觉的感觉。

14. Correctly guessing an old password on a website you haven’t visited in awhile.

14. 猜对很久没有用过的登录密码。

15. Waking up all by yourself a minute or two before your alarm goes off.

15. 比设定的闹铃时间早醒来一、两分钟。

16. Seeing a best friend you haven’t seen in awhile and picking up right where you left off.

16. 见到很久不见的好朋友,发现你们的感情一点没变,可以继续做好友。

17. When someone tells you “yes” when you expected them to say “no.”

17. 在你预计人家要说“不行”的时候,人家居然说了“可以”。

18. Realizing you were smiling the entire time you were talking to someone, right after you hang up the phone.

18. 挂掉电话之后发现自己刚才打电话的时候一直都在笑。

19. When you’re hot under your bed covers and you stick one leg out from under the covers to cool off.

19. 当你觉得被子里热得难受的时候,伸出一只脚到被子外“乘凉”的时候。

20. When your significant other kisses you when they think you are asleep.

20. 当你的爱人以为你睡着了,偷偷亲了你一下的时候。

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