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2013-11-08 16:58     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别



Charity is down, and so are the fortunes and perceptions of the rich.




But Forbes has come up with yet another list to give us hope for the wealthy. The 'Billion-Dollar Donors' ranks people who have given away (not just pledged) at least $1 billion in total. The great virtue of the list is that the gifts don't have to be recent.




Interestingly, of the world's 793 billionaires, by Forbes' count, only 14 make the list.


在全球金融危机前卖掉了抵押贷款公司的亿万富翁银行家赫伯特 桑德勒(Herbert Sandler)说,我很吃惊只有这么点儿人上榜,这太丢脸了。


'I'm surprised there aren't more,' said Herbert Sandler, the billionaire banker who sold his mortgage company before the global financial crisis. 'It's a shame there aren't a lot more.'




Here are the people Forbes calls 'the most generous people on the planet' (assuming a correlation between dollars and generosity).


1 比尔 盖茨(Bill Gates),捐出了280亿美元


2 乔治 索罗斯(George Soros),72亿美元


3 戈登 摩尔(Gordon Moore),68亿美元


4 沃伦 巴菲特(Warren Buffett),67亿美元


5 艾利 布洛德(Eli Broad),20亿美元


6 詹姆斯 斯托尔斯(James Stowers),19亿美元


7 桑德勒夫妇(Herbert and Marion Sandler),15亿美元


8 迈克尔 布伦博格(Michael Bloomberg),15亿美元


9 李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing),13.7亿美元


10 迪特马尔 霍普(Dietmar Hopp),12.5亿美元


11 迈克尔 戴尔 (Michael Dell),12亿美元


12 克劳斯 奇拉 (Klaus Tschira),11亿美元


13 史帝芬 施密德海尼(Stephen Schmidheiny),10亿美元


14 泰德 特纳(Ted Turner), 10亿美元


1 Bill Gates, $28 billion donated.


2 George Soros, $7.2 billion


3 Gordon Moore, $6.8 billion.


4 Warren Buffett, $6.7 billion.


5 Eli Broad, $2 billion.


6 James Stowers, $1.9 billion.


7 Herbert and Marion Sandler, $1.5 billion.


8 Michael Bloomberg, $1.5 billion


9 Li Ka-shing, $1.37 billion


10 Dietmar Hopp, $1.25 billion


11 Michael Dell $1.2 billion


12 Klaus Tschira, $1.1 billion


13 Stephen Schmidheiny $1 billion


14 Ted Turner, $1 billion

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之世界上慈善事业最慷慨的14个人,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 https://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/