2014-02-13 16:41 供稿单位: 新航道
出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别
5. Be good to yourself.
“The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.”
It’s nowadays common to run yourself into the ground and then, as you feel like a shadow of your former self, to seek help.
But a big part of keeping your health – mentally and physically – in good shape is to prevent problems before they even show up and force you to go to the doctor.
Swift brings some common sense into this challenge. By doing simple things consistently, by making them ingrained habits one can avoid many problems down the line.
· Doctor Diet. Eat not too little or too much. Eat slowly to really enjoy the taste and avoid overeating, an upset stomach and added stress.
· 合理饮食。不要吃太多或太少。慢慢吃好像自己在享受美食的味道避免暴饮暴食,这样你就会胃很不舒服并且增加你内心的压力。
· Doctor Quiet. Always being around noise and other people can drain you. It’s important to find some quiet time for yourself regularly to avoid being overloaded. Being out in nature is one good way to reconnect with the quiet and stillness and is often forgotten in the busy daily life.
· 适当安静。如果经常处在一个喧闹的环境中你就会没有自己的空间。为自己有规律的安排点时间避免过载负荷。到野外走走是回归宁静的一个好办法,它会暂时忘却繁忙的日常生活。
· Doctor Merryman. How happy and positive one wants to feel is often to a large degree a choice. You can cultivate a negative attitude towards everything. Or a positive one. A few tips for creating a positive and optimistic attitude can be found here, here and also here.
· 快快乐乐。快乐和积极的态度往往很大程度上在于自己的选择。你可以自己选择自己是消极还是积极。保持积极的秘诀是随时挖掘自己的快乐,快乐不再他处,就在这里。
Now, this may sound like almost stupidly simple advice. And the information is very simple. Many very helpful things are very simple.
More advanced tips may sound intriguing because one may associate complicated with better. But everything has to have foundations. Without those everything you build on top of them will only work at a limited capacity or sometimes just crumble.
6. Put down the extra, unnecessary baggage you are carrying.
“The latter part of a wise person’s life is occupied with curing the follies, prejudices and false opinions they contracted earlier.”
We pick a whole lot when we are young. Some of it is helpful. A lot of it will hold you back and create a lot of unnecessary suffering in your life.
You may have learned things from society - or sometimes gotten stuff drilled into your head - when you were young. You may have taken what someone said or did to you once or repeatedly as an absolute truth about you and your life.
But as a grown up, as you start to examine your life and beliefs you may discover that those things was just things that happened. They are in the past. You are here now.
And by grasping that it’s you who are always in control of your life - that you are creating it right now - you understand that unhelpful beliefs or what happened doesn’t have to mean that much really.
You can choose to drop them and continue with a lightness in your step down a road that you are creating for yourself now.
7. Learn to create a connection.
“Good manners is the art of making those people easy with who we converse. Whoever makes the fewest people uneasy is the best bred in the room.”
A big chunk of social skills seems to be making other people feeling comfortable and good about themselves. To create and exchange a stream of positive emotions.
How do you go about doing that in a practical way? A few suggestions:
· Like yourself. I think this is very important because a person who likes him/herself is someone people find appealing. This is however not something that may be that easy for everyone. People may see themselves as ugly, stupid, poor or something along those negative lines.
A few tips that you can apply - over a longer time-period - is to stop comparing yourself to other people, taking tip # 3 in this article to heart and start looking at the positive in yourself and following the tip above and start weeding out old beliefs about life and yourself that doesn’t help you anymore. You can also check out 9 Great Ways to Make Yourself Absolutely Miserable for more stuff to avoid doing to yourself.
· 自信。我认为这是很重要的一点因为一个人自信了才能让别人感觉有吸引力。但是对每个人来说这并不是容易做到的。你可能会觉得自己丑陋,愚蠢,贫穷或者其他消极的方面。
· Be interested in the other person. This one is connected to the previous point about liking yourself. Because when you like yourself you don’t need other people to validate you all the time as you hog the spotlight. You may choose to stand in the spotlight, but there is less of a craving for it. And now it becomes easier to shift your focus from “me, me, me!” to the person you are talking to. It becomes easier to be genuinely interested and create a connection. Have a look at Five Awesome and Five Awful Conversation Topics for more on this.
· 对别人表现出兴趣。这点和上一点相信你自己是有关联的。因为你自信了你就不需要感觉在别人眼里你是否是焦点。你会自己选择站在聚光灯下,但是你会感觉这根本没有必要。现在就需要把焦点从自己身上转换到你要交流的人身上,这样就会很简单的让别人产生兴趣获得交流。你可以尝试阅读《五点很棒的和五点很糟糕的谈话要点》了解更多。
· Be warm, open and positive. Well, people tend to like warm, open and positive people. And most people reflect back the behaviour they encounter. So creating such habits for yourself can go a long way in relationships with other people. A quick tip for going into an interaction in the right frame of mind is by assuming rapport.
· 热情,开放和积极。人们倾向于喜欢热情,开放和积极的人,并且人们会把他们这些精神因素反射回来。所以养成这些习惯将会对你以后和人们的交际大有裨益。进入交流你需要注意的一点就是你首先要在你的意思里创造融洽。
8. Be open to the idea that you can always learn.
“No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life, as not to receive new information from age and experience.”
Being open to this will open up your mind. If you think you know everything, great insights will just pass you by.
By being open you’ll see, feel and learn things you wouldn’t otherwise. But be careful of focusing too much on learning from books, blogs etc. They have a place and can help you correct things may have done backwards for all of your life.
But the most important thing is to live. And to learn from your experiences. Because it is there you find true understanding of things.
以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之愿你享受你的生活Ⅱ,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 https://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/
- 上一篇:雅思阅读材料之如何获得真心朋友
- 下一篇:雅思阅读材料之愿你享受你的生活
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