2016-04-21 14:52 供稿单位: 新航道 原创作者:新航道
出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别
释义 •adj. connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society 经济( 上) 的,经济学的;实用的,实际的
派生 economy n. 经济 economical adj. 节约的, 节省的;简洁的 economically adv. 在经济学上地 economics n. 经济学economize v. 节约,节省,有效利用 economist n. 经济学家
例句 •The economic importance of forests has been understood since the dawn of man—wood was the first fuel. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 森林在经济上的重要性自从人类出现就被理解了——木材是燃料。
释义 •adj. owed as a debt or an obligation 应支付的;应有的,应得到的;到期的;scheduled; arranged; expected 预定的,预期的;suitable; right; proper 适当的,正当的,适宜的 n. a thing that should be given to sb. by right 应有的权益,应得的事物
派生 •duly adv. 正当地,适当地;按时地
搭配 •due for sth. 应有,应得到 due to 由于 become/come/fall due 期满 give sb. his due 公正地对待某人
例句 Feeding increasing populations is possible due primarily to improved irrigation systems. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 灌溉系统的改进使养育越来越多的人口成为可能。
释义 •adj. (of things) that can be used or obtained 可用的,可得到的;(of people) free to be seen, talked to, etc. 可会见的,可与之交谈的
同义 •to be availed of, to be turned to account; profitable, serviceable, useful
派生 •avail v. 利用,有用于…… availability n. 可获得性
例句 I’m afraid this service is only available to full-time students. (IELTS7,T3,L1)恐怕只有全日制学生才能享受这一服务。
释义 •adj. suitable; right and proper 适当的,恰当的 v. to take (sth.) for one’s own use, esp. without permission or illegally 挪用,占用,盗用;to put (esp. money) on one side for a special purpose 拨出(款项)
词根 •ap(to)+propri(自己的)+ate(使)→使其成为自己的东西→挪用
派生 •appropriately adv. 适当地,适宜地 inappropriate adj. 不适当的
同义 •proper, fit, suitable, relevant
例句 •The students have not developed the appropriate mind set. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 学生还没有养成良好的心态。
释义 •adj. of or on the inside 内部的,国内的
词根 •inter(within)+nal(……的)→内部的
派生 •internally adv. 内部地,国内地
例句 For those with high achievement needs, typically a minority in any organisation, the existence of external goals is less important because high achievers are already internally motivated. (IELTS6,T3,R2)对成功有强烈欲望的人通常是组织中的少数部分,对于那些人来说外部目标的存在没有那么重要,因为这些追求成功的人已经有自身的目标。
释义 •n. a person with whom one works, esp. in a profession or business 同事,同僚
词根 •col(together)+league( 争论) →一起争论的人
同义 •partner, associate, fellow
例句 •Williams and his colleagues sampled the blood of over 5,000 American Indians in western North America during a twenty-year period. (IELTS7,T3,R2) 在过去的二十年间,Williams 和他的同事采集到了北美西部的5000 多名美洲印第安人的血样。
释义 •n. a series of planned activities with a particular social,commercial or political aim 运动;a series of military operations with a particular aim, usu. in one area 战役 v. take part in or lead a campaign参加[ 发起] 运动,参加竞选
词根 •camp( 原野)+aign →在原野上设营对阵→运动,战役
派生 •campaigner n. 从军者,出征者,竞选者
同义 •drive, movement
例句 Twenty-one schools reduced bullying as a result of an antibullying campaign. (IELTS6,T4,R3) 由于反欺凌运动,欺凌事件在21 所学校都有所下降。
释义 •adj. suitable; right and proper 适当的,恰当的 v. to take (sth.) for one’s own use, esp. without permission or illegally 挪用,占用,盗用;to put (esp. money) on one side for a special purpose 拨出(款项)
词根 •ap(to)+propri(自己的)+ate(使)→使其成为自己的东西→挪用
派生 •appropriately adv. 适当地,适宜地 inappropriate adj. 不适当的
同义 •proper, fit, suitable, relevant
例句 •The students have not developed the appropriate mind set. (IELTS7,T1,R3) 学生还没有养成良好的心态。
释义 •v. to join (people or things) together; connect (ideas, etc.) in one’s mind (使)发生联系,(使)联合;to act together with or often deal with sb. 结交,结伙 n. a person that you work with, do business with or spend a lot of time with同事,同伴 adj. joined or allied with a profession or organization 副的
词根 •as(to)+soci(伙伴)+ate(使)→使结伴
派生 •association n. 联想;社团;联盟
同义 •ally, unite, combine, join, connect; partner, colleague, fellow
搭配 •associate…with…把(某事物与其他事物)联系在一起associate with 结交,交往 be associated with 与……有关系
例句 •John Prescott, an associate professor at the University of Chicago, suggests that this fifth taste serves a purpose just as the other tastes do. (IELTS7,T4,L4) 芝加哥大学的副教授John Prescott认为第五味觉和其他味觉的作用相同。
释义 •n. words, letters, symbols, etc. that represent others, used for secret messages or for presenting or recording information briefly 密码,代码;a set of laws or rules arranged in a system 法典 v. to put or to write (sth.) in code 把……编码
例句 •In this explanation the subject merges his unique personality and personal and moral code with that of larger institutional structures (IELTS5,T1,R2) 在这个解释中,研究对象将他独特的个性、个人及社会道德准则与更大的机构性组织相融合。
释义 •n. a family or variety of animals, etc. having a similar appearance and usu. developed by deliberate selection 种, 品种 v.(of animals) to produce young 生育,繁殖;to keep (animals) for the purpose of producing young, esp. by selecting the best parents for mating饲养,培养;to lead to (sth.); cause 引起,招致
同义 •kind, type, species; bear, produce, cause, lead to, raise, rear,educate, instruct
例句 •Florence is one of a truly new breed: the product of what is perhaps the only project in the world dedicated to breeding dogs solely to detect drugs. (IELTS7,TA,R3) Florence 是一个真正的新品种,它是世界上一个致力于养狗项目的产物,其目的只是
释义 •n. the natural environment of an animal or a plant; home ( 动物的) 栖息地,住处 联想 •habit( 习惯)+at →一个人最能够随心所欲的地方就是家(habit at home) → habitat 栖息地
派生 •habitable adj. 可居住的 habitation n. 居住
例句 Possible causes for the decline include habitat destruction,pollution and changes in climate. (IELTS5,TB,R3) 降低的原因可能包括栖息地毁坏、污染和气候变化
释义 •prep. without being affected by (the factors mentioned) 不管,尽管 n. contemptuous defiance or disregard 轻蔑;鄙视
词根 •de(向下)+spite(看)→向下看→轻视
同义 •in spite of; hatred, dislike, scorn
例句 •Yet there is a dark side to this picture: despite our progress, half of the world’s population still suffers, with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 但是这个问题也存在不乐观的一面:虽然我们进步了,但是世界上一半的人口仍然遭受苦难,他们的用水条件还不如古希腊和古罗马人。
释义 •v. to cause or allow (sth.) to be seen 显示,露出;to make (facts, etc.) known 泄露,透露
派生 •revelation n. 揭露,披露
revealing adj. 揭露(事实等)的,暴露真相的
例句 •The new picture of pterosaurs reveals that they were unlike any modern reptile. (IELTS6,TB,R3) 翼龙目动物的新图片显示它们与现代的任何爬行动物不同
释义 •v. to make sth. suitable for a new use, situation, etc.; to modify sth. (使)适应,(使)适合;to alter or to modify (a text) for television, the stage, etc. 改编,改写
词根 •ad(to)+apt(适合)→使适合
派生 •adaptation8 n. 改编;适用;改编物 adaptive2 adj. 适应的 adaptable1 adj. 可适应的 adaptability2 n. 适应性,顺应性
同义 •adjust, fit, suit, accommodate
例句 •After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. (IELTS7,T1,R1) 这一技术发明之后,武器设计者将其运用到侦查潜水艇中只是时间问题。
释义 •v. to cause (sth.) to exist or occur; to produce 生成,产生;引起,导致
词根 •gener( 产生)+ate →发生
同义 •produce, create; lead to, result in
派生 •generation n. 产生;代 generator n. 发电机,发生器 generative adj. 能生产的,有生产力的;生殖的
例句 •Compared with ordinary coal, new, clean coals may generate power. (IELTS3,TA,R3) 与普通煤相比,新型的干净煤可以产生动力。
释义 •adj. of a king or queen 国王的, 女王的;suitable for a king, etc; splendid 大规模的,极大的;庄严的,高贵的
同义 •imperial, princely, kingly; stately, splendid
例句 •Fortunately, several members of the Royal Society possessed an interest in language and became engaged in various linguistic projects. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 幸运的是,英国皇家学会的几位成员对语言都感兴趣,并且参与了多种语言项目。
释义 •n. a living being, esp. an animal 生物,动物;人
例句 •But the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by other creatures such as birds. (IELTS7,T1,R1) 但是白天的资源被其他生物(比如鸟类)大力开发了。
释义 •n. a necessary or characteristic part of sth. 要素,元素;the basic principles of a subject being studied; the parts that must be learnt first 基本原理
派生 •elementary adj. 初步的,基本的
例句 •Students complete units in picture composition and photographic processing alongside elements of graphic design, and gain hands-on experience of desktop publishing and presentations. (IELTS4,T1,R2) 学生完成了组图、图像处理、图像设计要素等工作,并且亲
释义 •v. to say or write (sth.) again once or more than once; reiterate 取代,代替;to provide a substitute for sb./sth. 更换,替换;to put sth. back in the place where it was before 把……放回原位
派生 •replacement n. 取代,替代 replaceable adj. 可替代的
搭配 •replace … with/by… 取代,替换
例句 But if industrial agriculture is to be replaced, what is a viable alternative? (IELTS7,T2,R2) 但是,如果要取代工业化农业,那什么是切实可行的替换之选呢?
释义 •v. to cause (a ship, esp. one newly built) to move into the water 使(船)下水;to put (sth/sb) into action; to set going 发动;发出;发射 n. the process of putting into motion a ship, spacecraft or new product 发射;(船)下水;(新产品)投产
派生 •launcher n. 发射者,发射器,运载火箭
搭配 •launch an attack on/against 对……发动进攻
同义 •emit, send, initiate, start, originate, develop
例句 They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies to war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labour, exchange information ceaselessly.
(IELTS7,T3,R1) 他们种植真菌,把蚜虫作为家畜来饲养,发起军队投入战争,运用化学喷雾来恐吓和扰乱敌人,捕捉奴隶,使用童工,不断地交换信息。
释义 •n. planning and directing an operation in a war or campaign战略学,兵法;planning or managing any affair well 战略,策略,计谋
派生 •strategic adj. 策略的 strategist n. 战略家,兵法家
搭配 •an expert in strategy 战略行家
a master of strategy 战略大师
例句 •The disappointing results of many conventional road transport projects in Africa led some experts to rethink the strategy by which rural transport problems were to be tackled at the beginning of the 1980s. (IELTS7,T2,R3) 二十世纪80 年代早期,非洲许多传统公路运输项目令人失望,使一些导师重新考虑解决农村交通问题要运用的策略。
释义 •n. a person or group in a business organization, trade union,etc. with administrative or managerial powers 主管,行政人员,执行官;a executive branch of a government 行政部门 adj. having power to carry out decisions, laws, decrees, etc. 执行的,行政的;有行政能力的
派生 •execute v. 处决;实行,实施
execution n. 死刑;实行,执行,履行;演奏
例句 •One list of the roles of a manager identified the following: executive, planner, policy maker, expert, controller of rewards and punishments, counsellor, friend, teacher. (IELTS3,T2,R3) 经理应担当的角色包括:执行者、规划者、政策制定者、导师、奖惩管理人
释义 •v. to cause sth. to continue; to keep sth. in existence at the same level, standard, etc. 保持;继续;to keep (sth.) in good condition or working order 保养,维护;to assert (sth.) as true 坚持;主张;供给;to support (sb.) financially 赡养
词根 •main(head)+tain(持有)→拿在手里→保持
搭配 •maintain the lead 保持领先
maintain silence 保持沉默
同义 •continue, keep, preserve, retain; repair; affirm, assert, insist; support
派生 •maintenance n. 维持,保持
例句 •In the future, governments should maintain ownership of water infrastructures. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 将来,政府应当继续拥有水利基础设施的所有权。
释义 •n. a device for completing or breaking an electric circuit (尤指用手上、下开动的)开关 v. to shift or change, esp. suddenly (尤指完全的或突然地)转换、改变;用开关转换
例句 •Milgrams experimental set-up involved placing the teacher-subject before a panel of thirty switches with labels ranging from 15 volts of electricity (slight shock) to 450 volts (danger-severe shock) in steps of 15 volts each. (IELTS5,T1,R2) Milgram 的实验方案是把作为测试对象的老师安排在开关板前,这些开关板上有三十个以15 伏为增幅的标示,标示上显示从15 伏电压(轻微电击)到450 伏电压(剧烈危险电压)。
释义 •n. any treatment designed to relieve or cure an illness or a disability 疗法
派生 •therapist n. 治疗师
例句 •There is also sleep reduction therapy, where the aim is to improve sleep quality by strictly regulating the time people go to bed and when they get up. (IELTS5,TA,R3) 还有睡眠减少疗法,目的是通过严格地控制人们上床睡觉和起床的时间来提高睡眠质量。
释义 •adj. careful and exact 准确的,精确的
词根 •ac(to)+cur( 留心)+ate →做事要留心→确保准确
派生 •accuracy n. 准确,精确,准确性 accurately adv. 精确地,准确地 inaccurate adj. 不正确的,不准确的inaccuracy n. 不正确,不准确 inaccurately adv. 不正确地
例句 •This enables the linguists’ claims about the language to be checked, and provides a way of making those claims more accurate.(IELTS4,T3,R3) 这种方法使得语言学家关于语言的结论得到验证,并且使得这些结论更加精确。
释义 •v. to show (sb./sth.) in a picture, sculpture or play; to depict
表现,描绘;to stand for or be a symbol or equivalent of (sb./sth.); to symbolize 代表,象征,表示;作为……的代表
派生 •representation1 n. 代表,象征 representative11 adj. 象征的,代表的 n. 代表
同义 •stand for, describe, portray, explain, illustrate, show, play
例句 The blind represent some aspects of reality differently from sighted people. (IELTS4,T1,R3) 盲人对现实的描绘在某些方面与视力正常的人是不同的。
释义 •v. (in photography) to allow light to reach (film, etc.) 曝光;to uncover or make (sth.) visible; display 暴露,显露;to make known (sth. secret); to reveal 揭露,袒露
词根 •ex(out)+pose(放置)→放到外面→使曝光,使暴露
同义 •disclose, confront, reveal, uncover
搭配 •expose sth./sb. to sth.=be exposed to使暴露于,使遭受
派生 •exposure n. 暴露,显露;揭发,揭露;(胶片等)曝光
例句 •The group which had been exposed to loud, predictable noise performed better than those who had heard soft, unpredictable bursts. (IELTS7,T4,R3) 处在大声的、可预测的噪音环境中的那组人比听到轻柔的、突然的噪音的那组人表现更好。
释义 •v. to make (sth.) longer or larger (in space or time) (空间、时间等)延伸,延续,延长,扩展;to reach or stretch; be continuous 达到(某一点);to lay or stretch out (the body or a limb) at full length 尽可能地伸开(身体某部);to offer or give sth. 给予,提供,发出
词根 •ex(out)+tend(伸)→伸出去→延伸,延长
同义 •stretch, spread, lengthen, prolong
派生 •extension n.延伸;(电话的)内线分机 extensive adj. 广阔的,广泛的extent n. 程度,广度,范围
例句 •The consequences of our water policies extend beyond jeopardising human health. (IELTS7,T1,R2) 我们的水政策的后果不仅仅是危害人类健康。
释义 •n. the correct or ideal relation in size, degree, etc. between one thing and another or between the parts of a whole 均衡,相称,协调;the relation of one thing to another in quantity, size, etc; ratio 一物与他物在数量、大小等方面的关系,比例;a comparative part or share of a whole; fraction 部分;份儿
搭配 •in proportion 相应地,恰如其分地 in proportion to 与……成比例 in the proportion of 按……比例 out of proportion to 与……不成比例,不相称
例句 •Forest decline is still poorly understood but leads to the loss of a high proportion of a tree’s needles or leaves. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 对森林退化的认识还很肤浅,但是森林退化导致了树木的针叶和叶子大度地减少。
释义 •adj. of or affecting the mind 心理的
词根 •psycho( 心理)+logic( 学习,学科)+al(adj.) →心理的
派生 •psychology n. 心理学 psychologist n. 心理学家
例句 •Apart from self-help therapy such as regular exercise, there are psychological treatments, including relaxation training and therapy aimed at getting rid of pre-sleep worries and anxieties. (IELTS5,TA,R3)除了像有规律练习这样的自我治疗,还有其他心理治疗,包括放松训练和旨在摆脱睡前忧虑和紧张的疗法。
释义 •n. any of the parts of which sth. is made 成分,组成部分,部件,元件
词根 •com(together)+pon(放置)+ent→放在一起的东西→合成物
同义 •element, constituent, ingredient
例句 •He argues that tooth crowns and roots have a high genetic component, minimally affected by environmental and other factors. (IELTS7,T3,R2) 他认为齿冠和齿龈在很大程度上受基因影响,很少被环境和其他因素影响。
释义 •v. to take no notice of (sb./sth.)不顾,不理,忽视
词根 •ig(not)+nore(知道)→不知道→忽视
同义 •overlook, neglect, disregard
派生 •ignorance n. 无知 ignorant adj. 无知的,愚昧的
例句 •However, this does not mean that in future they will be ignored. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 然而,这不意味着将来他们会被忽视。
释义 •n. a particular type of matter物质;实质;the most important or essential part of sth.; essential meaning 要旨,基本内容
词根 •sub(在下面)+stan(stand 站立)+ce →站在……下面(本质的东西永远都存在于表象之下)→物质,实质,要旨
派生 •substantial adj.坚固的;大量的;重大的;实质的 substantially adv. 主要地,实质地 substantiate v. 证明……有根据 substantive adj. 实质的,本质的
例句 •Nicotine, however, is only a small component of cigarette smoke, which contains more than 4,700 chemical compounds, including 43 cancer-causing substances. (IELTS3,T1,R2)尼古丁只占香烟烟气成分很小的一部分,此烟气含有4700多种化合物,包括43种致癌物
释义 •adj. (of people) being able to work well; capable 有能力的,效率高的
派生 •efficiently adv. 高效地 efficiency n. 效率,高效
例句 •It was uncommon to find means of transport that were more efficient than walking but less technologically advanced than motor vehicles. (IELTS7,T2,R3) 找到一种比走路更高效,但是比摩托车技术低级的交通方式是很不寻常的。
释义 •n. the scenery of an area of land 风景 v. to improve the appearance of (a garden, park, etc.) by means of landscape gardening 美化……的景观
词根 •land( 土地)+scape(……的样子) →土地的样子→风景
例句 •Tourists are drawn to these regions by their natural landscape beauty and the unique cultures of their indigenous people.(IELTS5,T4,R1) 这里的自然美景和当地人民独特的文化吸引游客到这个地方来。
释义 •n. a way taken or planned to get from one place to another
同义 •way, road, path, course
例句 •Discussion now centres on whether the route through the maze is communicated as a left-right sequence of turns or as a compass bearing and distance message. (IELTS7,T3,R1) 现在讨论的焦点是迷宫的路线是作为左右轮流转弯顺序传达的
释义 •v. to take over and have or to use (sth.) as one’s own 采用,采取;to take sb. into one’s family, esp. as one’s child or heir 收养
词根 •ad+opt(选择)→通过选择→采用,采取
派生 •adoption n.采取;收养 adoptive adj. 收养的;
采用的 adopted adj. 被收养的
例句 •England was one of the first countries where scientists adopted and publicised Copernican ideas with enthusiasm. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 英国是科学家们热情地接受和积极宣传哥白尼学说最早的国家之一。
释义 •adj. going on all the time; happening again and again 经常发生的,不断的;firm; faithful 坚定的,坚贞的;unchanging; fixed 永恒的
词根 •con(强调作用)+st(站立)+ant→站直的→坚定的
派生 •constantly adv. 经久不衰地,永恒地,经常地,不断地constancy n. 恒久不变,始终如一
例句 •All warm-blooded animals make constant tiny adjustments in arousal in response to external events, … (IELTS5,T2,R2) 所有的恒温动物都不断做出细微的调整来
释义 •v. to occupy or to attract (sb’s thoughts, time, etc.) 从事,使忙于,占用(时间等);(使)订婚
词根 •en(in)+gage(保证)→保证去做→使从事于
派生 •engagement n. 约会,约定;婚约,订婚
engaged adj. 忙的
例句 •Fortunately, several members of the Royal Society possessed an interest in language and became engaged in various linguistic projects. (IELTS5,T2,R3) 幸运的是,英国皇家学会的几位成员对语言都感兴趣,并且参与了许多语言项目。
释义 •adj. marked by exceptionally great size, magnitude, or power 巨大的,非凡的
同义 •huge, enormous, tremendous, colossal, gigantic
例句 •The triumphant reign of pterosaurs ended with this giant flier. (IELTS6,TB,R3) 翼龙目动物光辉的统治时期随着这种巨大的飞翔动物的消亡而结束。
释义 •adj. made or produced by man in imitation of sth. natural;not real 人造的,人工的,假的;affected; insincere; not genuine 虚假的,不真挚的,矫揉造作的
词根 •arti( 技术)+fic( 制作)+ial(……的) →运用技术制作出来的
派生 •artificially2 adv. 人工地
同义 •man-made, fake, synthetic; unreal, unnatural
例句 •Food production has kept pace with soaring populations mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40% of the world’s food. (IELTS7,T1,R2)粮食产量与人口飞速增长一直保持一致,这主要是由于人工灌溉系统的发展使世界粮食产量增长40% 成为可能。
释义 •adj. of or belonging to a corporation 社团的,法人的;of or shared by all the members of a group; collective 共同的,全体的
词根 •corpor(团体)+ate→团体的
派生 •corporation n. 企业,有限公司
搭配 •corporate rights 法人权
a body corporate=a corporate body 法人
例句 •Some banks have yet to introduce a full corporate look; police forces are researching a complete new look for the 21st century. (IELTS3,TB,R3) 一些银行还需要引进完整的企业形象;警察正在研究一种二十一世纪的全新形象。
释义 •v. to obtain sth. from sth.; to get sth. from sth. 得到,获得;to have sth. as a starting point, source or origin; to originate from sth. 起源于
词根 •de(away)+rive(河流)→流出→引出 搭配 •derive from 源自
派生 •derivative adj. 衍生的,不具独创性的
例句 •For his astonishing achievements he was awarded the Nobel Prize and it is from his work that most of today’s knowledge of what bees say to each other derives. (IELTS4,TB,R3) 由于成就巨大,他被授予诺贝尔奖。他的工作使今天的人们懂得了蜜蜂之间的。
释义 •adj. having (esp. practical) ability; able; competent 有能力的,能够的
词根 •cap(握住)+able(能……的)→能把握的→有能力的
派生 •capability8 n. 能力、
例句 •In Europe, only Germany proved industrially capable, while in the new Soviet Union and in Japan the development of the cinema took place in conditions of commercial isolation. (IELTS4,TA,R3) 在欧洲,只有德国显示出工业方面的才能,而在
释义 •v. to take (sb./sth.) as a prisoner 捕获,俘获;to take or win(sth.) by force or skill 夺得,占领;赢得,引起 n. capturing or being captured 捕获,获得;a person or thing captured 俘虏,战利品
词根 •capt( 捕获)+ure(n.) →捕获
派生 •captive adj. 被俘的, 被捕获的; 人身自由受限的;受控制的;无权选择的 n. 战俘, 俘虏,囚徒 captivity n. 监禁;囚禁;关押
例句 •The goal they shared was an attempt to capture or mimic human abilities using machines. (IELTS5,T3,R3) 他们的共同目标是试图运用机器捕捉或模仿人类的行为能力。
释义 •v. to say or write (sth.) again once or more than once;reiterate 重说,重做;复述,背诵 n. 重复;复述,背诵
词根 •re(again)+peat( 请求) →再次请求→重复
派生 •repetition n. 重复,重做;复述 repeatedly adv. 反复地repetitive adj. 重复的
例句 •Noise affects a subject’s capacity to repeat numbers while carrying out another task. (IELTS7,T4,R3) 噪音影响实验对象在做其他事情时重述数字的能力。
释义 •v. to focus (one’s attention, effort, etc.) exclusively and intensely on sth., not thinking about other less important things 专心于;注意;to come or to bring together at one place 集中,聚集;to increase the strength of (a solution) by reducing its volume (e.g. by boiling it) 浓缩 n. a substance or a solution made by concentrating 浓缩物
词根 •con(together)+centr(中心)+ate→集中
派生 •concentrated adj. 集中的 concentration n. 集中,专心
搭配 •concentrate on/upon sth. 专心于,致力于
例句 •The second resolution concentrates on the need to preserve the genetic diversity of European forests. (IELTS7,T3,R3) 第二种解决方法是出于保护欧洲森林树种基因多样性的需要。
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