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雅思口语范文:Your favorite restaurant

2012-12-26 00:00     供稿单位: 互联网    

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    备考雅思口语需要平时积累相关的信息,在口语考试中,如果思路不够灵活,就会出现卡壳的状况,所以为了避免这一情况的发生,还是多参考雅思口语范文来拓展灵感吧。以下是为大家准备的雅思口语范文:Your favorite restaurant,供参考。

  下面为大家整理了雅思口语范文:Your favorite restaurant,还是比较典型的。

  Describe a restaurant or café. You should say:

  Where it is.

  What it looks like.

  What kinds of services are provided?

  What kind of food you like there.

  Why you like it.

  Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.

  1. Of all the restaurants I could tell you about, the Smiling Dragon restaurant is probably the one that I would like to talk about the most.

  2. The reason for my latest visit there has to do with the fact that I wanted to introduce my foreign English teacher to some Chinese dishes.

  3. The Smiling Dragon is well known for its seafood dishes. I would mention the bakes fish and fresh squid.

  I always enjoy a visit the Smiling Dragon for a number of reasons. Please allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.

  4. Firstly, the food is of a good quality and well prepared. For example, they prepare only fresh fish, which they purchase at the fish market in Dalian.

  5. Secondly, the waiting staff is always friendly, polite, and helpful. What I mean to say is that they will advise you on any specials on offer, and they tend to any need you may have swiftly and efficiently.

  6. Thirdly, the restaurant is always spotlessly clean. Therefore, I never feel embarrassed to invite my family, friends, or foreigners to join me there for a meal.

  7. Lastly, it is situated conveniently near the university, in a respectable neighborhood. That means that I am able to take my girlfriend there after dark, without fearing that we will be in danger on our way there and back.





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