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雅思词汇解析(19) | 人物性格(消极类下)

2023-01-09 09:36     作者 :    


1. stingy /'stɪn(d)ʒɪ/
adj. : not liking or wanting to give or spend money 吝啬的;抠门的
e.g. No one in the company likes their boss , who is stingy and bad – tempered.
注:bad-tempered 脾气坏的; sweet-tempered 脾气好的
penny pincher 
注:pinch v. 捏;拧;(就是紧紧抓着钱的感觉
e.g. Over the years, he developed a reputation as a penny pincher who wouldn't spend money for anything.
adj. penny-pinching / tight-fisted 
e.g. The company is pretty tightfisted when it comes to bonuses.
注:bonus 奖金;津贴
2. possessive /pə'zesɪv/
v. possess占有;拥有
adj. not willing to share or lend things to other people 不愿分享的;有独占欲望的(指物品)
be possessive about something 
e.g. She's very possessive about her toys and finds it hard to share.
adj. wanting all of someone's attention and love 占有欲强的(指人)
e.g. He used to ring his possessive mother several times a day. (妈宝男的既视感)
e.g. As their relationship grew, however, he became controlling and possessive and repeatedly tried to show superior knowledge over her. (开始PUA了, 擦亮双眼啊姐妹们)
adj. controlling / a control freak
之前口语话题 P3 的问题是:why do students go to college far from their home?
一个可能的原因就是:stay away from their controlling parents!
3. indecisive 
adj. not able to make choices quickly and confidently优柔寡断的
e.g. They painted him to be indecisive, negative, and selfish.
注:paint v. 描写;描绘
antonym:decisive 果断的;决断的
e.g.  A decisive person acts quickly and often succeeds.
4. hypocritical /ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkəl/
adj. saying that you have particular moral beliefs but behaving in a way that shows these are not sincere: 虚伪的;虚假的
e.g. It's rather hypocritical of you, telling me not to shout. I have seen you lose your temper with the children many times! 
注:lose one’s temper 发脾气。
n. hypocrite 伪君子;虚伪的人
e.g. They branded her a hypocrite - saying she bullied them. 
注:brand v. 给…冠以恶名;谴责

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