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雅思词汇解析(103)| 硬币

2024-09-18 15:25     作者 :    




1. coin /kɒɪn/

n. 硬币;金属货币

搭配:gold/silver/coins 金币/ 银币

a 10p/ten pence coin 一枚10分的硬币

a pound coin 一枚1英镑的硬币

e.g. The machine will only accept pound coins.

e.g. 雅思听力6-4-4: In museums, you can now see Greek coins that have clear images of the Asiatic lions on them. Most of them are dated at around 500 B.C.



toss / flip a coin 抛硬币

put a coin in the slot将硬币放入插槽

e.g. The referee tossed a coin at the beginning of the match.

e.g. They flipped a coin to see who should go first.

e.g. She put a coin in the slot of the vending machine and selected a chocolate bar.

补充:vending machine 自动售卖机


2. face value

n. (钱币、投资票据或票的) 面值,面额

e.g. The face value of this coin is $1, but it's worth much more to collectors due to its rarity.

e.g. The face value of the souvenir coin is minimal, but it holds sentimental value for me.


rarity n.稀缺性

sentimental value 情感价值


something is taken at face value 对…信以为真

e.g. After all his lying, nothing he says now should be taken at face value.

e.g. Public statements from celebrities should not necessarily be taken at face value.


3. commemorative /kə'mem(ə)rətɪv/




adj. 用于纪念的;

补充:a commemorative coin; medal; stamps纪念币;章;邮票

e.g. Commemorative coins often have a higher value than regular currency due to their limited production.

e.g. The government issued commemorative coins to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the country’s independence.

补充:issue coins 发行货币


commemorate v. 纪念;缅怀

e.g. Public celebrations are held every year to commemorate the event.

e.g. Each year on this date we commemorate our ancestors with a special ceremony.something on a syllabus 把…列入课纲

take something off a syllabus  把…移除课纲

e.g. e.g. Grammar exercises are included on the syllabus.

e.g. The history syllabus offers students the opportunity to study the major international events of the 20th century.


4. mint /mɪnt/

v. 铸造(硬币、奖章)

e.g. We mint coins out of copper.



make/earn a mint 赚大钱

In mint condition 完美;完好无缺

e.g. The books were 30 years old but they were in mint condition.

e.g. He made a mint in real estate.


反义:worn 磨损的

e.g. He inherited a box of old, worn coins that had been passed down through generations.



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