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雅思口语Fluency:every little helps

2014-03-19 09:55     作者 : NOTTS    


  雅思口语考试评分准则有四个项目组成,语法、词汇、发音和流利度。对于短期备考的同学而言,要在短期内做的精确无误的使用语法,合理欠当的使用词汇,达到接近native speaker 的发音是不现实的。但如果在精确的方法下勤加练习,短期提高流利度的目标还是可以实现的。而且从人们对语言使用能力的感知先后顺序来看,流利度也是必须要提高的部分。考官会对考生的流利认可,从而才会去听考生的发音,然后才会听到考生的语法,才是考生对词汇的使用是否地道。

  雅思口语考试中的流利度是有两个部分组成的。一,考生是否在语言上流利。二,考试时表达观点是否流利,也就是说你的逻辑思维是否清晰流畅。It is called coherence, when you answer a question, are your ideas related to the question. When you make your idea, are your sentences in this idea related to this idea and to each other.

  Things you can do to improve your Fluency for IELTS Speaking

  Be clear, good fluency is not about fast. 同学们一定要清楚, 好的流利度不是快。Talking too fast will only make the examiner believe that you have memorized the answer, therefore lead to a low score. 考试中语速过快的话会让考官觉得你背诵的嫌疑,这样的话分数就低了,一般不会超过5.5。Good fluency is about having proactive stops and avoiding passive stops. 好的流利的是要有主动停顿,避免被动停顿。Proactive stop is the stop that we need to have when we need to think before we can continue talking while passive stop is usually caused by not being familiar with vocabulary and grammar. Proactive stops can help you to produce natural answer with good fluency. Here, I will present an example to demonstrate the proactive stops in an answer. “//” shows the place you need to stop.

  Yes. I like travelling very much

  I think // it is a good way to know about // the culture // and history of a place

  It can // open up my mind // and make me more // knowledgeable

  Beside. // Travelling is also an // effective way for me to chill.

  For example, // I like to go traveling // after my exams

  To be honest, I still have not built the standard to follow about proactive stop. Yet, there are some tips:

  1.Stop before you offer a reason

  2.Stop before you say the result

  3.Stop before you introduce an example

  4.Stop before you describe your feeling

  5.Stop before and after using any connectives like and, beside. In addition, however and etc.

  6.Stop before you use an adjective.

  7.Stop before you give a time.

  另外在逻辑思维方面,考生也会出现一些低级错误,这些错误并不是由于考生是“神经病”无法正常思维造成的。这些错误往往是同学们对一些词汇的理解偏差造成的,这些理解偏差的出现是同学能长期用中文学习英文单词的结果。比如说,我经常能在课堂上看到的学生理解偏差是这样的 fast = convenient, strange = special, been to =gone to, convince – persuade。所以我建议同学们一定要尽早使用英文字典来进行词汇学习,这对培养英式思维也是非常有益处的。

  另外一个问题是考生对雅思口语常见话题缺乏观点,无法对答案进行充分扩展,从而也就无法达到考官希望看到的“逻辑流利”。 所以我建议学生考前一定要多看话题,多做各个话题的观点收集以便考试时使用。平时仔细观察生活,多看新闻,谈话类节目都对观点收集有所帮助。有观点,有依据,有例子,有解释的答案才能展现出你的逻辑层次,从而达到考官想看到的“逻辑流利”。 同学们,努力吧,remember: every little helps.

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