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4月29日雅思大作文示范写作 | 科技带来更多休闲时光

2023-05-05 09:24     作者 :    


It is predicted that with the development of technology, people in the 21st century have much more free time. To what extent has the prediction come true?
Over the past few decades, technology has undoubtedly revolutionized the way people live, work, and communicate. With the advent of automation, artificial intelligence, and other technological advancements, it is predicted that people in the 21st century would have much more free time. While there is some truth to this prediction, the extent to which it has come true is debatable.
Ø revolutionize vt. 彻底改变;完全变革
Ø advent n. (重要事件、人物、发明等的)出现,到来
Ø automation n.[U] 自动化
Ø debatable adj. 可争辩的;有争议的
Body 1
On the one hand, it is true that technology has brought people more leisure time. This is mainly because it made certain tasks, whether work assignments or domestic trivialities, faster and more efficient, allowing people to complete them with less effort and time. For example, with the rise of online shopping, people can now buy groceries, clothes, and other necessities with just a few clicks, without having to leave their homes or spend time in crowded stores. Similarly, automation has reduced the time and effort required for repetitive tasks in industries such as manufacturing and transportation. Meanwhile, it is not rare case that people collapse on the sofa with digital devices in hand, while robotic vacuum cleaners are sweeping the floor, washing machines doing the laundry.
Ø domestic trivialities n.[C] 家庭琐事
Ø click n.[C] 电脑单击声
Ø repetitive adj. 重复乏味的
Body 2
However, on the other hand, technology has also created new demands on people's time and attention. With the proliferation of social media, smartphones, and other digital devices, people are constantly bombarded with notifications, messages, and alerts, which can be a major source of distraction and stress. Moreover, the demarcation between work and leisure has become increasingly blurred, with many people feeling the need to be available and responsive to work-related emails and messages even outside of normal working hours. A typical example is that teachers, especially homeroom teachers, need to answer students’ questions or communicate with students’ parents even during holidays.
没有更多休闲时间:1. 被各种通知、信息、提醒轰炸;2. 模糊了工作和休息的边界
Ø proliferation n.[U] 激增;涌现;增殖;大量的事物
Ø be bombarded with 被轰炸
Ø alert n.[C] 警报
Ø distraction n. 分散注意力的事;使人分心的事
Ø demarcation n.[C] 边界
Ø blur vt. (使)难以区分
Ø responsive adj. 反应积极的
In conclusion, while technology has certainly made some tasks easier and faster, the prediction that it would give people in the 21st century much more free time has not fully come true. Rather, technology has created new demands on people's time and attention, making it more difficult for them to disconnect and truly relax.

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