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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 热门资讯 > 2023年6月雅思考试小作文真题范文


2023-06-29 17:16     作者 :    


新航道小编今天分享雅思考试小作文真题范文。以地图 一个码头的今昔对比展开,下面一起看看吧。
[2023.6.25] The following two pictures show the changes of buildings in Liverton Docks between 1980 and present.

Body 1:river前后对比
Body 2:河流北岸,前后对比
Body 3:河流南岸,前后对比
The maps compare the layout of Liverton Docks as it was in 1980 and today
Overall, great changes have taken place to Liverton Docks. Obviously, more leisure facilities have been constructed. 
- 变化大
- 出现更多娱乐休闲设施
【Body 1】
It is clear from the first map that in 1980, the given area was divided by a river, where there were some ships. Also, on the right side, a bridge ran across the river from the north to the south. At present, however, these ships and the bridge have disappeared, but we can see the addition of a boat museum in the center of the river to the left. 
- 1980:一条河流将该区域分为2部分,河流中停有船只;一座桥横跨河流
- Now:船只、bridge消失,新建一个boat museum
【Body 2】
Looking at the northern side of the river in 1980, it is clear that a crane was located in the middle, with one warehouse to the west and another one to the east. Currently, although the warehouse on the northeastern corner has remained unchanged, the other two facilities have been replaced by a converted building and kids’ restrooms.
思路要点: 河流北面
- 1980:中央是crane,两边是warehouse
- Now:东北角的warehouse不变,其余2处被取代
【Body 3】
On the opposite side, we can see a footpath along the river bank, and there was another set of crane and warehouse to the right. Now, there have been no changes to the former warehouse, but a hotel has been newly built on the original site of the crane. Besides, a new building has appeared on the southwestern corner.
思路要点: 河流另一面
- 1980:有footpath、crane、warehouse
- Now:warehouse,新建hotel和一个new building

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