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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思机经 > 【2012年5月19日】雅思听力机经回忆及解析


2013-05-21 09:40     作者 :    




  Title :一个男子刚搬进一个社区,询问关于订报纸和垃圾回收分类等的相关情况
  Type of Questions:填空题
  Section 1 Questions 1-10
  1. every second week(问newspaper星期几来收)
  2. Peter Wisborough(人名)
  3. No.16 Bridge Road(地址)
  4. 选Central Park(最近的受理点)
  5. 选yellow box(哪一部分是不要钱的)
  6. RH12PE(邮编)
  7. helpline@blackcat.com(邮箱)
  8. metals(可回收)
  9. magazines(不回收)
  10. save it
  Title :澳大利亚电台介绍每周蔬菜水果鲜花的行情
  Type of Questions:填空、选择
  Section 2 Questions 11-20
  11. crop (best value for money)
  12. potato (top quality)
  13. tomato (imported is better)
  14. carrots (unappealing appearance)
  15. orange (easy to peel)
  16. apple (bad quality)
  17. banana (ripe and ready to eat)
  18. a mixed bunch of
  19. $12.00
  20. different colours
  Title :一男一女和导师讨论pump design
  Type of Questions:选择、配对
  Section 3 Questions 21-30
  21. 选A. the introductory chapter(导师已经读了哪个部分)
  22. 选layout(tutor喜欢论文的哪部分)
  23. Kathy 和 tutor 都同意就哪方面进一步研究,A. library research
  B. record more data
  24. Kathy希望tutor就哪方面给予进一步指导,B. Bibliography C. appXXX
  25. A. try out software(Kathy下一步将做什么)
  26. 加入“Machine engineer Society”
  27. 选F. a way to keep useful contact with ...(参加一个名人的会议是为了认识更多的人)
  28. 选有up to date的那项(去工厂参观)
  29. 选A. practical experience (to see how things go well elsewhere)
  30. 选有make her own work published的那项 (to present her dissertation)
  Type of Questions:填空、选择
  Section 4 Questions 31-40
  31. signals
  32. understand(猩猩能够弄明白我们想要表达的东西)
  33. fight
  34. excitement(招手表示兴奋)
  35. apology
  36. supports
  37. cultural
  38. catch fleas from hair
  39. their voices
  40. their faces

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