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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思机经 > 2013年4月27日雅思考试机经回忆


2013-07-09 17:47     作者 : 熊伟    




  Section One: 介绍一个农庄的旅游资讯


  1. 每次团体旅游可容纳?------ C. 38

  2. 有个设施不能用?----- B. meeting room unavailable

  3. 什么情况用餐要预定?----- B. 农庄的人cook for them

  4. All people go to he farm can play?----- A. hear information about organic farming

  5. 活动中有个survival course?----- B. find the food

  6. 去最近的地方if you want to go the nearest place?----- C. cycling route

  7. 如果下雨的话,可以去?----- C. museum

  8. 预定付多少钱?----- C. part of the money


  9. 一个地址:Cotehele

  10. 一个编号:SH121LQ

  Section Two: 介绍不同学生可以做的兼职工作



  17. Where Peter gets the information to work at zoo? ----- A. from a friend

  18. What did Peter think about his work? ----- B. challenging

  19. Get information about environment? ----- B. work with children

  20. What will Peter prefer to do next term? ----- A. won’t take any job

  Section Three: 对话讨论学生可以选择的不同研究项目


  21. 去syndicate的好处:share ideas

  22. 和much deeper research




  26. 30 – 40 minutes

  27. 留有10 – 15分钟的questions and discussion

  28. articles from journal

  29. courses from Internet

  30. photocopies of notes

  Section Four: 讲座介绍夜班对人的精神和身体的健康影响


  31. 夜班工人的数量:huge increase

  32. 夜班工人的internal clock紊乱

  33. 人体的internal clock可以让人分清dark and light

  34. 导致unsocial hours没有社交时间

  35. 缺少睡眠对人体的stomach and heart不好

  36. 由于这些原因,会导致depression

  37. 因为影响mental ability,以至于影响他们在在工作中的performance

  38. 第三个例子是:social matters

  39. 还会影响family relationship

  40. 同时,pal group relationship也受影响


  1. Rubber的历史,在南美以及欧洲如何被运用,如何在工业革命中被使用到机器和汽车的制造中。


  2. Odd Money 讲述世界各国各种奇怪的钱的形式,包括中国的银元,日本的钱币,还有非洲等地各种奇葩的钱。本文理解也相当容易,后面题目也都是MATCHING,由于每段阐述某一国钱币,很容易找到对应的信息,减少了定位的时间。

  3.Change Blindness 讲述人的认知失误, 往往因为一些定向思维,过往经验,或者注意力问题导致对周围瞬间发生的改变认知失误。这种失误会影响到人们的判断,甚至日常生活。这一篇的题目比较费时间,文章段落很多,定位起来不容易,题目又都是MATCHING,TRUE OR FALSE, 加上文章比较抽象,很多选项有些模棱两可,需要比较快速理解和定位。


  1. 小作文: 地图题

  A plan for a new town



  中间段落分别说明public facilities (parking, buses)的方位; houses的分布; industry区域的分布;recreation中心的集中区域。


  2. 大作文

  Some people think older schoolchildren should learn subjects from various areas in order to have a broader knowledge; others think they should focus on a few subjects in order to have a deeper unsdertanding of these subjects. Discuss both view of points.




  Part 1:


  Eg. What is your full name?

  Do you live in a house or an apartment?

  Do you like your apartment?

  What kind of house do you want to buy in the future?

  Do you like music?

  What kind of music do you like to listen to? Why ?

  Part 2: A good parent

  最近常见PART2 话题有:


  A polite person

  A good parent you know

  A change happened recently happened in your life

  A special meal you were invited to

  An interesting speech/something you learned from math class

  A foreign language you want to learn/ a future plan


  Someone you enjoy talking to

  A library

  A traditional event

  A gift you gave to others recently

  A piece of useful equipment

  A sport event

  A website

  A vehicle you want to buy

  A piece of ad which made you want to buy their product

  A song that means a lot to you

  An important plant in China

  A movie /book about the future


  Something you learned from your family

  A book based on a real story/a book that you want to recommend

  A toy you liked to play with in your childhood/an old person

  A training session

  One experience when you helped someone

  A wrong decision made by others/a game or sport you loved to play in your childhood

  A group/team project

  An usual job/a person who has an important job/a friend

  An activity near the sea

  A kind of clothes you like to wear

  A teenager

  A good neighbor

  A crowded place

  A coffee shop

  A garden or a park

  The room you spend most of the time in/ the room that you live in

  A good trip


  A historical building

  A beautiful house you’ve visited

  An occasion you were late for

  The most effective way to relax

  A place near the sea

  A close friend

  Part 3: 针对第二部分提问


  Do you think you will be a good parent?

  Who takes care of the children in Chinese families?

  Do grandparents look after kids? Is this good?

  Are kids nowadays more difficult to deal with?

  以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的2013年4月27日雅思考试机经回忆,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/

  简介:熊伟 上海新航道学校雅思&托福主讲。美语语音学导师。英语专业八级,新托福IBT考试117,托福口语满分。通过上海翻译考试。标准美语发音,英语口语地道流利,生活口语交际能力。 2004年投身英语教育行业,一直从事英语口语教学和英语语音学(Phonetics)的教学研究。长期在教育线的工作实践使其积累了大量有关中国人英语学习的成功和失败的案例。深感中国学习者英语学习上的执着,同时又遗憾地看到由于方法的错误导致大量时间、金钱、精力的浪费。长期的教学实践和对多种英语学习方法深入研究比较,使其拥有全方位的教学方法和经验。

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