English Slang Collection:
give the cold shoulder
[释] to treat someone distantly;
[例] Why did you give me the cold shoulder yesterday? Did I do do something wrong?;
give the slip
[释] to get rid of sb;
[例] We'd better give Tim the slip as he is doing no good to the entire team.
give up the ghost
[释] to die, stop functioning;
[例] This photocopier is eight years old and I'm afraid it's ready to give up the ghost.;
give the what-for
[释] payback;
[例] If Pete keeps playing rock n roll at night, I'm gonna give him the what-for.
[释] shortened form of glamorous.;
[例] Who is that glam girl at the table? Is there any chance I can get to know her?;
glass jaw
[释] something vulnerable;
[例] He would have a good chance to win his first world champion if he had no glass jaw.