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雅思口语之英语俚语anyone's call

2013-11-11 15:05     作者 :    


 English Slang collection:

  anyone's call

  [释] a situation in which any outcome is equally likely;

  [例] The game is anyone's call.;

  ape shit

  [释] crazy;

  [例] He's high and acting ape shit.;

  a rainy day

  [释] an unknown future time;

  [例] I'm saving the good china for a rainy day.

  apple of (one's) eye

  [释] something or someone cherished above all others;

  [例] Children is the apple of parents' eye in many family.;

  as all get-out

  [释] very; really; extremely;

  [例] It's cold as all get-out.;as all hell = all get-out = a great extent

  ASAP = as soon as possible;

  a sight

  [释] a very attractive woman;

  [例] She is a natural-born movie star and a real sight.;

  ask away

  [释] someone can ask everything he wants;

  [例] If you have any questions, please ask away.;

  a snooze

  [释] something boring

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语之英语俚语anyone's call,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/kouyu/

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