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雅思口语俚语集合之food coma

2013-11-26 08:27     作者 :    


 English Slang Collection:

  food coma

  [释] the feeling of tiredness after eating a large meal;

  [例] The big cheese burger I ate put me into a food coma.;

  foot-in-mouth disease

  [释] to say inappropriate things;

  [例] Don't take my words seriously, I just got foot-in-mouth disease.

  footloose and fancy-free

  [释] not in a relationship;

  [例] I think i'll go abroad, probably go on my own, footloose and fancy-free.;

  for Christ's sake

  [释] interjection of annoyance/anger, like dammit;[例] For Christ's sake, can you stop disturbing me?

  for crying out loud

  [释] to emphasis something;

  [例] For crying out loud will you stop playing those drums! It's driving me crazy!;

  for days

  [释] for a really long time;

  [例] Do you really remember the way back to our hotel? We've been lost for days.

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语俚语集合之food coma,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/kouyu/

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