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雅思口语俚语之go soft

2013-12-09 14:34     作者 :    


 English Slang Collection:

  go soft

  [释] to lose strength or determination;

  [例] The night before we went on our trip to Brazil, Mike went soft, which pissed the rest of the group.;

  go south

  [释] to turn worse;

  [例] Pete's career went south after being busted for false account.


  [释] to show that you understand sb's words;

  [例] A: If you don't wanna miss the flight, I suggest you to start loading the luggage. B: Gotcha!;


  [释] I've got you;

  [例] "Gotcha,you little thief! " the shopkeeper cried and called the cops.

  go the extra mile

  [释] to make a special extra effort in order to achieve something;

  [例] You have go the extra mile to win their trust back.;

  go the knuckle

  [释] to have a fight or punch-up;

  [例] If you ever do that again, I'll have to go the knuckle.

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语俚语之go soft,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/kouyu/

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