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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语之英语俚语fried


2013-12-10 13:57     作者 :    


English Slang Collection:


  [释] a feeling experienced under the influence of drugs;

  [例] You'd better not talk to Mike because he is fried .;

  from hunger

  [释] sth is deemed pathetic, lowly or cheap;

  [例] I have no intention to buy that house as it looks like from hunger.

  from rag to riches

  [释] to go from extreme poverty to wealth;

  [例] America no longer seems to be a place where you can work your way up, from rags to riches.;

  from the scratch

  [释] from the beginning;

  [例] I had to do this large project from scratch.

  from the bottom of one's heart

  [释] with sincere emotion;

  [例] I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that I love you.;


  [释] a cover-up, disguise, deception;

  [例] This fancy car is actually nothing but a front on how much money Jim really has.

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语之英语俚语fried,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思听力频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/kouyu/

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