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2013-12-20 15:24     作者 :    


口语卡片超高频题 Experience of moving house 搬家

  这是2013年9月到12月排名高频题的 “搬家经历”,Vicky次发布,好好准备。种搬家是大搬家,city to city; 第二种扩展是小搬家, flat to flat.


  1.Basic info

  when, why, where

  2. Process

  3. After moving

  4. Comment

  This topic reminds me of an experience of moving house taking place 13 years ago when I was to enter the primary school.It happened that the headquarter of my father’s company was relocated; so he had to change the working place from the small city we lived to the provincial city Jinan.

  It was a long-distance moving, so we borrowed a van from the relative. We took most of the furniture we could carry and left some big ones like the bed and wardrobe. It was quite unforgettable experience to me, because that’s the first time I left the flat we lived fornearly 7 years.

  One day later, we settled down in a more spacious flat with 2 bedrooms, a living room, a small kitchen and a beautiful balcony with French windows. I went to a famous primary school with good teaching quality and fame. Currently, my parents and I still live there.

  That was the only time of house moving I experienced, but it changed my life thoroughly.




  neighbors who often annoy us by making noise by throwing parties

  neighbor with a newly constructed supermarket/outlet/seafood market

  neighborhood couple often quarrels and even use violence(domestic violence)

  I was entering elementary schools in order to seek better teaching quality

  The flat we lived was too old to maintain a pleasant living

  We bought a bigger house in the outskirt area/city center

  We moved out from the grandpa’s and lived separately


以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语话题素材积累之搬家,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/kouyu/

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