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2014-01-24 11:46     作者 :    


S: Shopper     M: Music shop owner
S:顾客        M:唱片店主
S: Hi, would it be possible for you to give me a hand? I'm looking for South Korean pop.
M:Yes, no problem. The section is over here, we have material by BoA. Se7en and Rain.
M:好的.没问题。流行歌曲在那边,我们有宝儿、Se7 en和雨的唱片。
S: Rain ! That's what I'm looking for. my friend bought me a CD of his and now I can't stop listening to it !
M: He's really popular, we call him "The South Korean King of- Pop". He's huge in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand and across much of Asia.
S: Really? I had no idea. Why do you think he's so popular?
M: Well, it's a combination of his angelic face, great body and Justin Timberlake style dance moves. He stars in soap operas as well as being a singer.
S: I see. Du you know more about him?
M: Actually, yes. I'm a big fan, you see. He's 23, his real name is Ji Hoon Jung and he used to be poor. He lived in Seoul in a one room apartment, but dreamed of being famous .He must have pushed himself very hard to get where he is today.
S: Yes, many famous people come from humble beginnings.
M: Did you know he was listed on Time magazines "World's Most Influential People" list?
S: Really? I guess he must have a lot of influence in South Korea. maybe throughout Asia. Through his music. soaps and so on.
M: He plans to star in a movie next year but he says he has no desire to be in a big budget film. Maybe that's because he was a soap actor.
S:Probably. Do you think he will ever be famous in the West?
M: I hope so. At the moment he's studying English day and night because he wants to become famous in America. Before he visited the U. S. . Rain already had a fan base, thanks to Internet music sites. satellite TV and DVDs of his soap operas. He's also had two sell out concerts in the small venue at Madison Square Garden
S: Oh, so he's pretty popular over there already then?
M: Yes. And he's releasing an English language album later this year
S: Great! Now I will be able to understand his songs!
M : That's true.
8ive me a hand帮我个忙
angelic face可爱的外形
a big fin大粉丝
day and night日日夜夜
satellite TV卫星电视
He's huge.  他非常有名。
soap open肥皂剧
push oneself不断鞭策自己
a fan base粉丝团
sell our concer8满座音乐会
Rain,本名郑智薰(정지훈/Jung Ji Hoon),1982年6月25日-,韩国歌手、演员。2002年出道即囊括了韩国几乎所有音乐新人奖,并成为广告新人王。先后发行数张专辑,获奖无数,在世界各地召开了数十场巡回演唱会,并参与了奥运会、亚运会等重要舞台演出。2004年凭韩剧《浪漫满屋》红遍亚洲,后进军好莱坞。两度当选《时代》杂志年度百大影响力人物,是公认的亚洲偶像天王。于2011年10月至2013年7月服兵役。
以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思生活口语话题之谈论韩星rain,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/kouyu/


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