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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语天气相关话题如何解答?


2016-03-10 11:32     作者 : 新航道    



  Well, just last weekend my plans were ruined by the weather. The weekends are usually when I’ll travel back home and visit with my parents and family, so that was my plan for last weekend. I’d arranged my schedule and made sure I didn’t have any studying or other things pending… I’d worked during the week to free up the weekend so I could relax and spend two days back home.

  But on Friday afternoon the weather started to change look ominous and by Friday evening, when I had planned to leave for home, there was an incredible storm which developed. The rain was torrential with a wind that was gusting and a lot of roads were reported as being flooded… and traffic stopped in various places in the city.

  I called home and spoke with my mother and she told me that it was the same there and that I shouldn’t travel in such bad weather because I might get delayed. I was a bit sad, but the weather was so bad nobody really wanted to go out at all. In fact the journey from the university back to my apartment was horrendous. The traffic was terrible and by the time I arrived I was completely soaked because of the rain, so I had to admit that travelling all the way home would not have been a smart choice.

  I waited for a couple of hours to see if things would change, but it didn’t, so eventually I gave up on the idea and started to think what I could do instead. I decided to phone a couple of friends and see if they wanted to do something together, and so we got together on Saturday and we spent the day together and in the evening we went to see a movie and then went to a restaurant for a meal. The weather still wasn’t great, but it was at least possible to go out without getting absolutely soaked again. On Sunday, I decided to have a lazy day, you know… just reading, relaxing, and then another friend came to visit me in the evening and so we chatted for a while and then watched a movie in the evening.



  Tips1. ruin v. 毁灭,破坏(说天气打乱了我的计划用这个词语气很强烈)

  2. arrange my schedule 安排我的行程

  3. pending prep. 即将发生的(while waiting for something, or until something happens)

  4. free up 腾出...时间 (=make available)

  5. ominous /ˈɒmɪnəs/ adj. 不祥的 (making you feel that something bad is going to happen)

  6. leave for 动身去...

  7. torrential /təˈrɛnʃ(ə)l/ adj.(雨)倾盆的

  a torrential downpour一场倾盆大雨

  8. horrendous /hɒˈrɛndəs/ adj. 可怕的,惊人的

  9. soaked adj. 湿透的 (=extremely wet )


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