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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语中这些健康词汇怎么说?


2016-07-15 11:23     作者 : 新航道    



  Examiner: Have you got a relation you’re particularly fond of?

  Sinita: Yes … my granddad … he’s 94 years old but generally he’s as fit as a fiddle(身体很好) … we’re very close and see each other a lot … whenever he goes down with a cold(感冒) or is under the weather(不舒服) I make a point of visiting him …

  Examiner: Do you do any sport?

  "Jon: Yes … I’m keen on skateboarding … but I haven’t done it for a while … I had a bad fall recently andpulled a muscle(拉伤肌肉) and had a few cuts and bruises(小伤) … but I’m on the mend(正在恢复)and hope to be doing it again soon …

  Examiner: Is there anything you’re particularly afraid of?

  Davide: The dentist … I hate going to the dentist … I only ever go if I have a toothache so it usually means I have to have a filling(补牙) or even have a tooth out … I really don’t like it


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