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2019-11-14 16:52     作者 :    




  雅思口语part2的2分钟“solo”是最让大家头疼的一关,无数的小伙伴们在考前都觉得自己做足了充分的准备,但是真正到了考场上面对考官的时候,却是看着题目和考官头脑里面一篇空白。隔壁的托福口语老师鼓励学生们可以在独立口语话题中运用理由来解决此问题。理由当然是有很多优点的:首先可以让学生们在对于所给题目没有观点没有想法的时候,至少是有话可说让我们keep talking。 再就是在我们构思真正的观点的时候给我们提供思考时间。最后,我们可以根据理由去调整我们的观点来达到我们最后speak at length的目标。虽然托福独立口语题目的45s和我们雅思口语part2 的2 min 相隔鸿沟般的差距,但是对于理由的运用还是相似的,那我们今天就来谈一下:

  1. 有哪些口语考试中的“高频”理由。

  2. 这些理由又是可以如果高效的运用在我们的雅思口语part2题目中的。

  理由之干货篇 (标下划线的为可替换部分)

  1. offer sb. food for thoughts / emotional nourishment (from L&S3 unit

  提供精神食粮 / 提供情感滋养

  2. reduce pressure / calm the nerves and restore the soul

  减压 / 放松神经,恢复精神

  3. expand / broaden one’s horizons


  4. provide sb. with a sense of well-being (L&S 3 unit 1) / achievement / belonging / honor / satisfaction / frustration / humiliation

  带来幸福感 / 成就感 / 归属感 / 荣誉感 / 满足感 / 挫败感 / 羞辱感

  5. make friends / enlarge social circle / improve interpersonal skill / collaborate with each other better

  交朋友 / 扩大朋友圈 / 提高社交能力 / 与他人更好合作

  6. enhance the relationship / strengthen the bonds between A and B

  促进 / 加强A和B 之间的关系

  7. accumulate social experience / gain first-hand resource or experience or knowledge

  积累社会经验 / 增加亲身经历、资源或者知识

  8. improve one’s communication / problem-solving skills

  提高某人的沟通能力 / 解决问题的能力

  9. useful for my study (from L&S 1 unit 8)/ have a positive or negative impact on one’s academic performance

  对我的学习有帮助 /对某人的成绩产生积极或消极的影响

  10. boost / enhance one’s efficiency at work or study

  促进某人在工作上 / 在学习上的效率


  因为雅思口语part 2的2分钟的时间,所以要求各位candidates需要准备比较多的语料,就像我们L&S 3的课本中unit7中说的一样:in case you finish it earlier, just a little bit extra. 那我们在熟记了以上的理由的情况下如何再来运用它。首先我们都知道雅思的答题模式为:直接回答(观点)à 细节。 但是我们在思考题目时却可以尝试逆向思维,即首先根据题目选择可使用的理由,然后根据理由去找合适的观点,然后填上细节,即如下逆向思维3步曲:

  Step1: 选理由

  Step2: 配观点

  Step3: 填细节


  Describe an advertisement that you remember well, you should say:

  Where you saw it;

  What it was about;

  What it was like;

  Why you remember it well.

  1. 选理由

  理由就对应题目中最后一个问题:为什么对它印象深刻?我们先浏览一遍上文中的理由,可以发现2.减压; 3.拓展视野是与我们这个主题可能会产生关联的。

  2. 配观点


  3. 填细节

  e.g. There are quite a few reasons why I find this advertisement memorable.

  Firstly (discourse marker), I can reduce my pressure by watching this advertisement. (opinion) The way how it shows its information is pretty creative and the contents are funny as well. It can help me escape my busy study life a little while and calm my nerves. (details)

  Besides (discourse marker), it can broaden my horizons in some way as well. (opinion) This advertisement provides me with the current situation of panda and some useful tips of how to protect the panda’s habitats or environment. Through watching this advertisement, I could gain some knowledge on this topic. Since my major is biology, it is helpful for my study (L&S 3 unit 8). (details)

  通篇下来,我们会发现想要达到speak at length的目标其实并不是很困难,并且在词汇上也没有特别多的障碍。我们无非是做到三点:找理由,配观点,填细节。


  Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school, you should say:

  Where you were;

  What you did;

  Who you were with;

  And how you felt about it.

  1. 选理由

  a. offer sb emotional nourishment

  b. provide sb with a sense of achievement

  c. make friends

  d. gain one’s skill...


  2. 配观点

  可以提供精神滋养和交友的,可以是和小伙伴一起去看热爱歌手的演唱会或者电影首映。大家每个人都有不一样的观点,那我在这里就不多说了,我个人选择的是做社区服务。(L&S 3 unit 2)

  3. 填细节

  e.g. Personally, I am quite fond of the experience of being a volunteer in our community service.

  Firstly(discourse marker), it provided me with a sense of achievement(opinion). The feeling that I was able to help somebody or my action had a positive impact on somebody’s life satisfied myself(details).

  Meanwhile(discourse marker), through talking with those people or solving problems for them, I could improve my communication as well as problem-solving skills (opinion)which I believe would be useful for my work(details).

  综上所述,我们首先要熟悉高频的理由,然后在口语话题思考的过程中我们需要根据选理由,配观点,填细节三个步骤就可以轻轻松松的拓展我们的口语长度,有效攻克雅思口语part2中的大难题做到speak at length啦!


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