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2020-03-02 20:01     作者 :    



  01 What can smartphones do these days?

  02 Since most people do their work on computers, why do they still need to go to the offices?

  03 Do you think people’s work in the future will be heavily affected by the technology?

  04 Compare the pace of technological progress in the past and now.

  1. What can smartphones do these days?



  同时,很多同学应该记得在part 2当中有一个非常高频的话题叫做describe a smartphone app,要求我们描述一个智能手机上的应用。这个题目持续了很长时间,但是同学们在回答本part 3的问题的时候,千万注意不要跑偏,可以略微带一带“应用”的内容,但是不可以把整个重心变成说某一个app;同时,虽然智能手机有很多高大上的功能,但是如果我一时半会儿想不起来怎么组织语言,那么从最基本的功能入手,略微讲解一下发短信(send text messages)或者是打电话(make phone calls ),都是可以的。


  Well, smartphones are, after all, phones, so they can basically meet all the expectations we should have for ordinary mobile phones. That is to say, we can still use a smartphone to send text messages or make phone calls. However, smartphones are more than that. For example, we can use a wide range of smartphone applications, which have all kinds of functions, from offering discounts tohelping us keep fit. Besides, smartphones can always access internet, which means we can search literally for everything at anytime with smartphones. This sounded like science fiction in the past, but offers great convenience at present.

  2. Since most people do their work on computers, why do they still need to go to the offices?

  思路:这个题目是这样子的,它预设了一个场景,就是“大多数人都使用电脑工作了”,然后引出问题;如果这是一个其它考试当中的思辨类的写作题目,我个人会建议老老实实按照题设去写,但是对于我们雅思口语这样一个着重考察交流能力的项目,我们完全没有必要被题目所禁锢住。我们需要保证自己的答案有逻辑、有落脚点、细致明确即可。我们尝试着按照下面的思路步骤来:首先即使大部分人都使用电脑工作了,那么极有可能他们有很多其它工作是需要跟同事合作完成的、需要面对面的解决的;即使没有需要面对面解决的工作问题,办公室也提供了一个专门的工作场所,比在家里要专业、方便的多,并且对于部分人来说,家是一个放松的地方,并不合适拿来办公。最后,我们甚至可以破除题目本身的设置,摆出事实:就是确实已经有不少人能够做到远程办公,或者弹性工作时间了。这样一来,这个part 3的答案还是可以有不少内容说的。


  Well, I have to say, although computers can help us work out most problems, there are still many things, which need to be discussed face-to-face, so offices provide an ideal place for colleagues to meet and consult with each other. Besides, for some people, homes are very cozy and private places, not suitable for working, so they would rather commute to offices than bring work home, even though digital technologies have made remote workingavailable. Having said those, a trend of working from home as well as working flexible hours has become increasingly more popular. I think this should be attributed to the use of computer technology.

  3. Do you think people’s work in the future will be heavily affected by the technology?





  Well, since we are not unfamiliar with the great influences the technology has exerted on our current work, I guess most of us find it natural that technology should continue to affect our work in the future. However, it’s absurd that although we know that this would happen, we yet don’t know how. In conclusion, I think I can simply say that there will still be amazing changes on work due to the development of technology; but we can hardly sense the change until it solidly comes true.

  4. Compare the pace of technological progress in the past and now.


  建议大家,我们可以从自己最熟悉的内容入手,比如通讯科技,过去可能要好几年才能有一个新产品,但是现在的手机更新换代之快,我们往往来不及反应过来,自己的手机就out of date了,这样一想,对于pace的解读,其实就体现在一个快字上。现在的progress更快了。悟出来这个点,其实我们的答案就可以围绕这个快字展开了。


  Well, there have been technological changes all the time and it doesn’t take a genius to find them. But speaking of the pace of the changes, I think it varies. Generally speaking, things are happening much faster now than it was in the past. For example, in the past, it took several years for one up-grade of telecommunication whereas now, replacement and reproduction of mobile phones can happen within several months. This can also be applied to most other aspects of technology development.


  和technology这个话题连用的单词,往往有invent, innovate, design, create以及produce等等。同时,plan, layout等词语往往也可以进行使用,包括blueprint一词,也是非常合适用在这里的。


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