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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语part1:广告


2020-05-11 14:23     作者 :    


      雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度,话题贴近生活,今天小编给大家整理了关于广告的话题语料,童鞋们可以参考一下。

  Ads--key words

  sweeps across the globe 风靡全球

  smartphone apps 手机应用

  commercialization 商业化

  creative and educative 有创造性和教育意义

  vivid and dynamic 生动活泼

  goods, products 商品

  attractive 有吸引力的

  ads on internet网络广告

  display ads播放广告

  1. Are there many ads in your country?

  Yes, there’re many ads in my country, seen on newspapers, TV, smartphone apps, in bus stops, streets, taxis, and even in subway tunnels. Today ads are everywhere. Whether you like them or not, you’re seeing them all days. I believe the same thing happens in most of the countries; after all they have become a symbol of the commercialization that sweeps across the globe.

  2. Why do you think there are so many ads now?

  They’re a symbol and an important part of the commercialization that has swept across the globe. Ads are made to catch our attention so that we can get the information that the companies want us to know from an insignificant glance. Putting ads on TV and other public medias is costly, so merchants are looking for every possible place to put their ads. As a result, there’re so many ads everywhere.

  3. What are the places where we see ads?

  Those could be on TV, newspapers, smartphone apps, in buses, taxis, public boards along the street, stations, and so on. I even heard that several pages of ads were found in the textbook of junior high school in Guangdong.

  4. How do you feel about ads?

  Usually I don’t hate them, because most of them don’t make me uncomfortable. But sometimes I got irritated about them because they showed up and interrupted me when I was doing something important. I hate ads showing up when I play smartphone games and watching TV programs.

  5. What kind of ads do you like the most?

  I like ads that are creative and educative. There’re many advertising creativity competitions, on which we can see a lot of examples. I saw an ads in a movie theater, that was before the beginning. In the big screen was a first perspective scene of driving a car, it kept playing for a few seconds, then all the audiences got a telephone message and we took our phones out to check it, when the car in the screen crashed. That was an ads of driving safety.

  6. Do ads influence your choice about what to buy?

  Some of them would,when the products they introduce are really attractive and I do need this goods. In other world, if there are several ads showing the same thing I will choose the better performance one. Do you like ads on TV?

  7. Do you prefer ads on TV or those in magazines?

  I would say I prefer to ads on TV rather than those in magazine coz ads shown on TV are more vivid and dynamic than those in magazine,which seems more attractive and clear.

  8. Do you think ad plays an important role in today’s world?

  Obviously,it does. It becomes a trend for every well-known brand to make advertisements. Coz it can enhance and boost the power and reputation of the brand effectively.

  9. What sorts of ads leave the deepest impression on people?

  I would say the most creative and stimulating one leave the deepest impression on people. You know,nowadays, there are excessively numerous ads, folks have already been fed up with the boring ads

  10. What do you think about the developments in advertising in China today?

  In china,today, you can see that the ads displayed in the internet are becoming increasingly frequent while those on newspaper are generally reduced. So in the future,the ads on internet will play a dominant role in advertising.

  11. Why do you think companies advertise themselves?

  You know,Advertising is a good way to introduce products of manufacturers and attract consumers to buy these products. By that I mean advertisements can guarantee a satisfactory sale


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