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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语:描述别人送给你的一件衣服


2020-08-25 17:36     作者 : 党巍杰    



  大家好, 今天我们来一起看一道物品题,这个话题非常经典,描述别人送给你的一件衣服。其实这个话题跟我们以前讲到过的“描述一个你收到过的特别的礼物”那个话题非常相似,可以进行有效的素材串联。



  这个礼物是什么时候收到的? 哪一年那一天?这里大家可以结合一些比较有纪念意义的日期,例如自己的生日,毕业典礼当天,过春节,情人节,儿童节都可以。









  搭建好结构之后,下面我来为打击补充一些相关素材。其实常见的衣服款式有很多,我们先来扩充词汇:运动装(sportswear),商务正装(business attire),休闲装(casual clothing),制服(uniforms),校服(school uniforms)等等。



  例如很多同学比较喜欢穿条纹(stripe)的衣服,还有很多人喜欢穿格子(grid)衬衫,还有很多女同学喜欢穿波点(dots)裙,当然比较时尚的孩纸们还喜欢穿迷彩服(camouflage clothing)。

  此外,我们还可以着重讲一下衣服的颜色,我们基本上可以把颜色划分为两个大类,暖色调(warm colors)和冷色调(cold colors),在进行解释的时候我们可以结合自己的肤色,或者是季节,或者是衣服的搭配方面进行分析。


  例如冬季常见的羊绒(woolen),羽绒(duck feather),皮衣(leather),还有夏天我们会经常穿的纯棉(cotton),丝绸(silk)等等。

  此外,我们还可以讲一下这件衣服的品牌,价格,尺寸等方面。 好了,今天我们的分享就到这里啦,下面我为大家提供了一篇范文,难度适中,希望对大家有所帮助,我们下期栏目再见。

      Describe a piece of clothing that is given by someone.You should say:Who gave it to youWhat it looks likeWhat you felt about itAnd explain why you received such a piece of clothing. Speaking of the piece of clothing that another person gave to me, I would like to talk about one of my business suit. It was bought by my father when I was 21 years old as my birthday gift. The business suit was produced by the brand name Prada. The color of the business suit is dark blue with two shining buttons in the middle and two large pockets on the down left and down right sides of the suit. To be honest, I really like that suit at that time. Every time when I have a presentation or interview in my school, I will definitely choose that suit because it makes me feel comfortable and so confident. On top of that, this is a gift bought by my father, which makes me feel warm and excited. It is worth mentioning that every time I wear that business suit, I have such a strong feeling that I am no longer a child or even a student. I ought to hold responsibility for my career and thus become a mature man. I should not always rely on my parents’ support any longer. I need to be independent and grow up. In fact, the first impression you make on a potential employer is the most important one, and in turn the first judgment an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing. That's why it's always important to dress professionally for a job interview, even if the work environment is casual. What's the appropriate dress code for an interview matters a lot. You’ll want that first impression to be not just a good one, but actually a terrific one. The candidate dressed in a suit and tie is going to make a much better impression than the candidate dressed in scruffy jeans and a t-shirt. In the end, this business attire is so unforgettable and meaningful to me.


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