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2021-12-10 16:52     作者 :    


  最近大热的Switch主机游戏《集合吧!动物森友会》(Animal Crossing) 在国内出圈,沉迷其中的小伙伴们见面打招呼的方式也都已经变成了“你家今天大头菜多少钱?”。

  作为高度还原真实生活的经营养成类游戏,“动森”的故事发生在一个无人岛之中,玩家通过采集岛上的资源来进行理想中的日常生活,比如收集木材可以制成钓竿, 而一旦拥有了钓竿,围绕着钓鱼、卖鱼、赚钱、还贷的美好垂钓生活就从此一发不可收拾地展开了……

  沉迷游戏熬夜垂钓的烤鸭岛主们大概不曾想过,自己手里正忙活的生计实际上也是暗藏杀机的雅思口语话题。纵使曾经游戏里肝了上百小时,坐在雅思考官面前被问到“Why do you like fishing?”的时候脚趾头也还是尴尬的抠出了三室一厅。

  Fishing不单单是一个独立的话题,顺利拿下它之后可以同时搞定Spending time by yourself, Break, Leisure time / Outdoor / Family activities这些话题。那么今天我们就来瞧一瞧,5-8月口语新话题Fishing怎么破。


  Ø All of a sudden, a fish took the lure.

  Ø When a fish bit the hook, the float stated bobbing.

  Ø To prevent the fish from escaping, they hauled up the fishing net.

  Ø A tackle box and large food-storage container works quite well when we go fishing.

  Ø While we stayed in the national park, she cast her fishing line into the lake every evening.


  1. Why do people go fishing?


  ① It is fun and thrilling

  (not only is it fun, but it’s also thrilling 倒装的使用可以提高语法多样性哦!)

  ② Enables them to unplug / unwind / recharge their batteries


  ③ It’s a great escape from routine

  ④ Lowers anxiety and instills a sense of calm

  ⑤ Contemplate nature (for old pp especially)


  First and foremost, fishing is a great way to spend a lot of time outdoors. And that applies no matter whether you catch anything or not.


  Besides it’s a pleasure to haul your skills in order to catch fish that are hard to catch such as trout and bass.


  On top of that, some angles like all the gear that comes with fishing, they like nothing better than going over their fishing gear or ordering new items online: lures, floats, tackle boxes to name but a few.



  2. Do you like eating fish?


  ①I am allergic to fish and other types of seafood

  ② I’m actually a meat lover

  ③ I can’t stand its fishy smell and taste


  Absolutely, not only do I adore its smell and taste, but I also like the fact that eating fish and seafood provides me with essential high quality protein, minerals and vitamins that I need in my diet, more specifically according to researches that fish are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which provide important benefits for brain function.


  This is the primary reason why fish is among my stable food.


  3. Where can you see fish?


  Almost any water reservoir (= a body of water)

  E.g. rivers / streams / ponds / lakes / oceans / aquariums / a fresh-water estuary 河口


  I guess in water reservoirs like ponds, lakes, rivers and oceans.

  It probably wouldn’t be any exaggeration to assert that virtually in every corner of the world where there is a body of water there has fish live in it.


  Having said that, there are few key factors which enable fish to survive, for instance these deciding factors could be water temperature, the amount of oxygen as well as the availability of hiding areas and breeding areas.


  今天的钓鱼篇到此为止,各位岛主可以踏踏实实回去钓鱼,再也不必担心自己的爱好难以言说了。下期咱们聊聊“动森”另一大野趣 - 昆虫。

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