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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 出租车司机一直跟我讲话,我社恐患者该咋办?


2021-12-20 15:44     作者 :    


  Uber最近推出了一个新功能堪称是社恐患者的福音。拥有会员的用户可以再叫车之后选择“quiet drive”的安静模式,这样司机全程都不会和你闲聊说话,不少同学表示,强烈建议理发店和商场也引进此项服务。

  那么Tony老师们就不会喋喋不休地让你办卡了!今天,我们就来结合这个话题:"Describe a time that you gave advice to others. "来讲讲如何给商家提意见吧!

  Describe a time that you gave advice to others.

  You should say:

  Who you gave advice to

  What the advice was

  Why you gave advice

  And how you felt about the advice.


  Lots of people are tired of chatty drivers. Uber recently, are finally giving users its most requested feature, an in-app way to ask for minimal conversation during the ride. The “quiet mode” feature is free and will be available. Users can select “quiet preferred”, “happy to chat ” or leave the setting at “no preference”. A bags option lets users signal that they have luggage with them so the driver knows to pull over somewhere they can help load them into the trunk. The temperature control lets them request the car be warm or cold so drivers know whether to crank up the air conditioning.

  I think this “quiet mode” is going to be a hit, and I highly-suggest other parts of the customer industry take example by it. With so many competing services around the world, it is wise to try to differentiate on customer service instead of just costly efforts to win with lower prices or being over persuasive. In many cases, customers would feel uncomfortable when driver, barber or sales person incessantly talks to them, cause people may feel rude or frightened to reject conversation and ask out loud for quiet.



  1. trunk n. 后备箱;树干

  2. crank n. 曲柄,曲轴

  3. hit v. 打击

  4. differentiate v. 区别,区分

  5. incessant adj. 不停的,不断的

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