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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语考试常见话题有哪些?


2022-10-19 17:00     作者 :    


1. Tell me something about your work?
2. Tell me about your studies?
3. Tell me about the city you come from.
4. What do you think about the lifestyle in the city?
5. Do you like cooking?
6. When do you usually cook?
Describe a shop
What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping ?
Why men don’t like shopping?
Do you often go shopping ? Why do you like it?
Do you think that it is good for children to go shopping ?
What type of shop is close to your house?
What type of shop do you usually go?
What is the difference between going to the supermarket and going to a
small shop?
Why some people don’t like shopping?
Describe your favorite magazine and newspaper.
What is your favorite magazine and newspaper?
What information do you get from the magazine?
What kind of people read the magazine? How popular is the magazine? Why?
What is the difference between magazine and newspaper?
How does the media affect the people?
Do people read a lot of newspaper?
When did you start to read newspaper?
Do you like local or international news?

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