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雅思口语Part 2:在这个地方我最自由!

2023-03-20 09:58     作者 :    


最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax”。快节奏的今天,想要找到一个放松的地方不太容易,尤其是在繁忙的工作中,我们都需要一些时间来逃避日常生活中的压力。家是我感觉最放松的地方,其中我最喜欢的地方是我的客厅。这是为什么呢?咱们一起来聊一聊吧~
本期Part 2 话题
Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed at this place
第十季 Episode 12
Finding a place to relax can be difficult, especially in today’s busy world. We all need some time to escape from life’s everyday stresses; for me, that place is my house. Home is where I feel most relaxed and my favourite place in my house is my living room. This is the main room of the house and the one I spend the most time in. It is comfortable, cozy, inviting and always makes me feel at home. It is the most calming room in my house. There is nothing like sinking into the couch with a good book and a cup of tea on a lazy Sunday afternoon. 
One of the main reasons I feel so at ease in my living room is because it is a place where I can truly be myself. I can sit in my favorite chair, watch my favorite shows, or play video games. I can also listen to music, do my work, or have a nap. It is a place where I can enjoy all my favorite activities without feeling the pressure of everyday life.
I usually try to make it as comfortable as possible. I like adding a few pillows, blankets, and even some soft lighting. I also enjoy lighting a few scented candles, which helps to set the mood and create a peaceful atmosphere. I make sure to keep the space clutter-free and organized. This helps to keep my mind clear and relaxed.
Overall, my living room is where I feel most peaceful in my home. I can escape from my worries and just be myself.
Words & expressions in this episode
1. cozy adj. 温暖舒适的;愉快的;亲切的
2. scented adj. 有香味的;洒香水的;有气味的
3. clutter-free 无杂乱的

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