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2013-08-01 11:04     作者 :    


   遗失信财物遗失在民航班机上,写信给机场海关请求帮助Dear officer:On 01/01/2000, I am writing to inform you that I lost my bag on your flight and ask for your help.I took flight CA983 from Beijing to Los Angeles. When the flight arrived at Los Angeles, because of my carelessness, I left my handbag, a black leathered bag, on my seat. There are some important things in it, including my passport, ID card, credit card, some checks and one thousand US Dollars. But the most important thing is my business address book, in which record all my clients’ phone numbers and appointment agenda in the following two weeks.

  Since this bag is very important to me, my friends told me that I should contact your department to seek help, so I write this letter to you anxiously. Hope you and your staff can help me find my lost bag. Your meticulous and warmhearted help will be greatly appreciated. For information about my lost thing, please contact me in the following ways.Mobile phone: 13901160626
  Home phone: 82326258
  Office phone: 82326255 Yours faithfully
  Will Smith
以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思写作范文之失物招领信,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航雅思写作频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/xiezuo/

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